Inline skating and quad roller skating Web sites with regional information about inline skating and quad roller skating in Germany.
Sites submitted to this category must have a significant amount of information in the English language. Sites that do not have much English content should be submitted to one of the "World" categories.
English-Language Web sites with information about inline skating or quad roller skating in Italy.
All Web sites submitted to this category must be related to inline skating or quad roller skating in Italy, and they must have a significant amount of information in English. Sites with little or no English-language content should be submitted to the World/Italy category.
English-language Web sites with information about inline skating or quad roller skating in the Netherlands.
All Web sites submitted to this category must be related to inline skating or quad roller skating in the Netherlands, and they must have a significant amount of information in English. Sites with little or no English-language content should be submitted to the World/Netherlands category.
Web sites with information about inline skating or quad roller skating in the United States.
All submissions to this category must be related to skating in the United States. These will typically be topics such as skating lessons, rental shops, and places to skate. Do not submit sites with general-interest skating information to this category.