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Sites listed in this category are about windsurfing, using a surfboard and a sail.

To avoid delay in listing, please review prior to submission.

Submit websites once to the most relevant category. Multiple submissions or careless submissions will slow the process.
Review the Sports: Water Sports: Windsurfing sub-categories to find the most appropriate category for submissions. Find the lowest level category appropriate to the site being submitted.

Descriptions should include specific information of the unique qualities and features of the site contents. Avoid advertising hype, overuse of capitalization, and emphatic punctuation. Do use the English language, proper grammar, and a spell-checker.

Affiliate sites, multiple URL''s for the same organization, and mirror sites are not desirable.

The ODP reserves the right to alter or replace a proposed description at any time at its sole discretion and editorial judgment.

If your site''s focus is selling products online for use in windsurfing, please submit your site to the proper subcategory of Shopping: Sports: Water Sports.

Non-English sites should be submitted to the proper language in World. Non-English sites will NOT be listed anywhere in Sports: Water Sports: Windsurfing.

Listed clubs may or may not be associated with official windsurfing organizations.
Magazines listed relate to windsurfing specifically. Sites may be an ezine, may include only subscription information, or may present an abbreviated version of the actual publication.
Windsurfing enthusiast's personal web sites.
Sites with information about windsurfing in specific geographical locations.
Includes official and unofficial sites of professional windsurfers.