The Curlie Directory
In Other Languages
Changing Your Site Listing
- How do I update the listing for my site?
- Simply go to the category which your site is listed, find the listing for your site, and click on the icon to the right of the description. This will take you to a page where you can suggest corrections to the site's URL, title, and description. See the instructions for suggesting a site to learn more about composing suitable titles and descriptions for inclusion in the directory.
- How long does it take to update a listing?
- This depends on the activity level of the editors in that area of the directory. Some update requests are acted on almost immediately, others may take much longer. Please note that if you are requesting a change to your title or description, Curlie reserves the right to modify or deny that request within guideline standards. Requests to add keywords or promotional language to the site's title or description are routinely denied, whereas requests relating to real changes to the site or the business/organization are likely to be acted on.
- How long does it take for updates to show up in search engines that use Curlie data?
- Once your site is updated in Curlie, it may take some time for the change to appear on any of the search engines that use Curlie data. It is the responsibility of those search engines to pick up the latest version of our data. Curlie has no control over when third parties update their data.
- I'm not happy with my site ranking. How and why does this change so often?
- Site ranking is based on search technology, and is not necessarily influenced by classifying sites in a Web directory. Curlie editors do not list sites to ensure your site is ranked on search engines using Curlie data. It is contrary to our policy to pad site descriptions with keywords, and to manipulate competitor's site descriptions to improve a site's ranking on a third party's search engine. If you would like to improve your search engine ranking, you should contact a Search Engine Optimization professional. Many of the sites listed under Computers: Internet: Web Design and Development: Promotion: Search Engine Optimization Firms offer search engine optimization services.