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Includes details of upcoming fights, character pictures, a message board, and lists of previous winners.
Players look after their own statistics, and may fight in a message board or chat room. Includes details of joining and playing the game.
Includes basic rules.
Chat room based. Information about joining and playing the game, lists of attacks, quests, items, jobs, and characters, and member profiles.
Train, fight, search for the Dragonballs, or conquer the universe. Allows player created characters. Muilti-refereed.
Offers rules, members list and message boards.
Includes rules, joining information, and details of the features of the game.
E-mail and message board based. Includes signup form, a list of members and statistics, message boards for fighting and training, and details of how the game is played.
Has special abilities, attacks, planets, races, sagas, trademark moves, training, teams, requirements for super levels, member pages and a chat.
Single-moderator game allowing player-created characters, and forbidding violence against female characters.
Includes pictures of available characters, rules, member statistics, and a summary of how to play. Players may use any chat room to play.
Rules, details of how to join and play, and polls.
Members' character profiles, along with details of items, jobs, and moves.
Site features join information, the story line, rules, a roster, tournament information, a listing of techniques, and an archive.
Includes rank information, rules, a sign-up form, and a list of moves.
Members, how to join, rules, moves, tournaments, and news.
Participants pick a character to battle, train, and gather Dragon Balls over a message board.
Features rules and member list.
Features rules, character, team and current member lists. Allows character creation.
Rules, how to join, message board, training information, deaths, teams, planets and links.
A fight club where participants create characters and battle them in a race to reach a power level of 100,000,000.
Includes rules, joining information, and details of the features of the game.
Train, fight, search for the Dragonballs, or conquer the universe. Allows player created characters. Muilti-refereed.
Rules, details of how to join and play, and polls.
Features rules, character, team and current member lists. Allows character creation.
Offers rules, members list and message boards.
A fight club where participants create characters and battle them in a race to reach a power level of 100,000,000.
Includes details of upcoming fights, character pictures, a message board, and lists of previous winners.
Includes pictures of available characters, rules, member statistics, and a summary of how to play. Players may use any chat room to play.
Rules, how to join, message board, training information, deaths, teams, planets and links.
Site features join information, the story line, rules, a roster, tournament information, a listing of techniques, and an archive.
Includes basic rules.
Players look after their own statistics, and may fight in a message board or chat room. Includes details of joining and playing the game.
Features rules and member list.
Includes rank information, rules, a sign-up form, and a list of moves.
E-mail and message board based. Includes signup form, a list of members and statistics, message boards for fighting and training, and details of how the game is played.
Members' character profiles, along with details of items, jobs, and moves.
Members, how to join, rules, moves, tournaments, and news.
Participants pick a character to battle, train, and gather Dragon Balls over a message board.
Chat room based. Information about joining and playing the game, lists of attacks, quests, items, jobs, and characters, and member profiles.
Has special abilities, attacks, planets, races, sagas, trademark moves, training, teams, requirements for super levels, member pages and a chat.
Single-moderator game allowing player-created characters, and forbidding violence against female characters.
Last update:
September 27, 2021 at 5:35:29 UTC
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