Originated in 1979, "Gundam" has grown to be one of the most prolific sci-fi animation saga in history. The historical reference it spawned with each successive Gundam series have created an immense world of sci-fi kingdom worthy of scholaric investigation.
This is the category for any web sites concentrated on informational Gundam reference, from mechanic design to textual chronology, etc. for fans and non-fans alike who wants to enrich their knowledge of Gundam saga and universes.
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Sites 3
Mobile Suits illustrations and data collection; Archives of mechas from all Gundam series and other sci-fi animes.
U.C. mobile suit specifications, image gallery and links.
An English/Italian Gundam web site detailing the history in the Universal Century (U.C. 0079-0153).
Mobile Suits illustrations and data collection; Archives of mechas from all Gundam series and other sci-fi animes.
An English/Italian Gundam web site detailing the history in the Universal Century (U.C. 0079-0153).
U.C. mobile suit specifications, image gallery and links.
Last update:
February 2, 2014 at 6:35:09 UTC
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- Recently edited by cherel