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Sites 6
Auction results, biographies, images and books pertaining to this Hudson River School artist.
1860 oil painting by Jasper Francis Cropsey, from the National Gallery.
Photos from Sleepy Hollow, Westchester County.
Analysis on Cropsey's masterpiece shown at the National Academy of Design in New York in 1865.
Presents a comprehensive biography including links to his artworks.
Biography, artworks and external links regarding the first-generation member from the Hudson River School.
Presents a comprehensive biography including links to his artworks.
1860 oil painting by Jasper Francis Cropsey, from the National Gallery.
Photos from Sleepy Hollow, Westchester County.
Analysis on Cropsey's masterpiece shown at the National Academy of Design in New York in 1865.
Biography, artworks and external links regarding the first-generation member from the Hudson River School.
Auction results, biographies, images and books pertaining to this Hudson River School artist.
Last update:
January 6, 2023 at 6:25:09 UTC
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Regional: North America: United States: Nebraska: Counties: Kimball
- Recently edited by cherel
- Recently edited by cherel