Priest is an ongoing manhwa (Korean comic) series created by Min-Woo Hyung. It tells the story of humanity's battle against 12 fallen angels, led by the archangel Temozarela.
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Set in a futuristic 19th Century America, Priest tells the tale of Ivan Isaacs, a former man of the cloth who sells his soul to gain power and to seek vengeance. But the devil also works in mysterious ways.
Offers story, characters and plot ending details for volumes 1 through 15.
The explicitly religious series features a Catholic priest and contemplations of Christianity and God. Excerpt by Sheena.
(December 12, 2003)
Set in a futuristic 19th Century America, Priest tells the tale of Ivan Isaacs, a former man of the cloth who sells his soul to gain power and to seek vengeance. But the devil also works in mysterious ways.
Offers story, characters and plot ending details for volumes 1 through 15.
The explicitly religious series features a Catholic priest and contemplations of Christianity and God. Excerpt by Sheena.
(December 12, 2003)
Last update:
October 1, 2019 at 5:35:03 UTC
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- Recently edited by shedragon