Woodturning Associations and Guilds, and chapters of American Association of Woodturners, situated in the United States of America
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Announcements, meeting schedule, newsletters, gallery, videos, tips and articles, buy-sell, and library. Homewood, Alabama.
Information about the chapter, meetings, local suppliers of wood,and gallery of member's work. Before each meeting a tutorial on tool sharpening. Anchorage, Alaska.
International, non-profit society dedicated to the advancement of woodturning by providing education, information, and organization.
Providing education, preservation, and inspiration. Hosts the Desert Woodturning Roundup National Turning Symposium.
Club meeting in Woburn, Massachusetts, includes information on meetings and mentor program, gallery of members work, tips and techniques, and a chat room.
San Francisco, East Bay area association of woodturners informational site. Includes galleries, links and group and meeting information.
Gives information about meetings and includes pictures of members' work. Newtown, Pennsylvania
Details of forthcoming demonstrations, events, turning tips, and galleries of members work. Own a mobile turning school. Meets in Asheville, North Carolina.
Club information, galleries of members work and details of club contribution to reconstruction work on the vessel Amistad.
Details of the club, list of online resources, photos of club events and members' work.
Details of club, galleries of members work, and show and tell; mentoring program, including skills offered and detailed tips and techniques.
Details of meetings, galleries, projects and articles. Based in Worcester, Massachusetts.
Details of meetings and demonstrations, and back copies of the newsletter.
Details of meetings, newsletters and galleries of members work.
Details of meetings, calendar, club information, galleries and newsletter. Crimora, Virginia.
Details of meetings, galleries of members work, resources, projects and photos from past demonstrations. Ventura County, California.
Gives details of meetings and events, including discussion forum. Georgia.
Details of meetings and events, members pages, articles and videos. Annapolis, Maryland.
Located in the Suburban Chicago Area, provides a forum to promote the art and craft of woodturning through education, information and community programs.
Details of meetings and events, photos of Show and Tell at meetings. Athens, Georgia.
Details of meetings and demonstrations, photos of members' work, meetings, demonstrations and instant galleries. La Crosse, Wisconsin.
Details of venue, and gallery of members photos. Meets in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania.
Chapter of the American Association Of Woodturners. Details of meetings, galleries of members' work, and tips and techniques. Crossville, Tennessee.
Member of the American Association of Woodturners. Details of meetings with map, gallery of members' work, page of "how-to's" and photos of some club events. Texas.
A Local Chapter of the American Association of Woodturners. Gives details of meetings and schedules; includes pictures of meetings and some turners work. Philadelphia.
Club information, meetings schedule, photo gallery, and newsletters. Pages of tips, techniques and tools. Michigan.
Providing details of meeting place, mentor program, events, membership details, and pages of tips and projects.
A section of the Rochester, New York Woodworkers Society, includes copies of past newsletters and pictures of meetings.
Gives details of coming meetings, venue, and pictures from past meetings. Serves the area around New Castle, Delaware.
Gives details of meetings and venue, and includes downloads of articles on tips and techniques.
Information on meetings and program, copies of past newsletters and pictures of previous instant galleries. Meets in Denver, Colorado.
Gives details of the chapter, meeting times and venue, photo galleries, information about scholarships, and their symposium "Turning Southern Style".
Serving the greater Los Angeles Metro area. Contains tips, galleries of work and helpful links.
Gives details of meetings and venue, PDF of latest newsletter and information from the AAW Symposium. Denton, Texas.
Gives meeting information and venue, and various galleries. Lincoln, Nebraska
Includes club information, meeting venue, photo albums, recent and past newsletters, and some articles on techniques. Houston, Texas.
A chapter of the American Association of Woodturners. Gives details of meetings and classes held in Lilburn, Georgia.
Information about the club, membership, venue, picture galleries and some tips and techniques.
Gives information about meetings, venue and some pictures. Greenville, Texas.
Contains information about meetings and venue. Evansville, Indiana.
Local chapter of AAW located in Topeka; details of meetings, and photos of previous meeting.
Gives details of meetings and venue, back copies of newsletters, and galleries of members work. Chester County, Pennsylvania.
Gives details of meetings and venue, downloads of past newsletters and links to members' sites. Allentown, Pennsylvania.
Includes details of meetings and venue, articles, tips, and some photos of demonstrators and 'show and tell'. Glenwood, Iowa.
Includes details of meetings and venue, galleries of show and tell, individuals, and 'how-do-they-do-it'. South China, Maine.
Details of meetings, back newsletters and events.
Details of meetings, gallery of members' work, copies of past newsletters and information on some techniques.
Galleries illustrating members work and calendar of events. Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington.
Gives details of meetings and venue, past newsletters, photos of Show'n'Tell and work by some members. Frederick, Maryland.
Includes details of meetings and venues, photos of work by members, and copies of past-newsletters.
Gives details of meetings and venue, plus photos of show and tell and copies of past newsletters. Rockville, Maryland.
Non-profit educational organization serving the Northern Nevada area. Membership and meeting information, calendar, newsletters and links to special interest groups.
Gives details of meetings and venue, photos of some past meetings, and albums of members' work. Roseland, New Jersey.
Gives details of next meeting and venue, gallery of members' work and .pdfs of some past meetings. Alameda, New Mexico.
Includes details of meetings and venue, photos-galleries of past meetings, and PDF's of recent newsletters. Sacramento, California.
Gives details of meetings and venue,including demonstrators for the year. Also photo gallery and archive copies of newsletter since 1991. Hickory, North Carolina.
Gives details of meetings, and venue; also PDFs of past newsletters and a photo gallery of members' work. Greater Cleveland, Ohio.
Features a show and tell section, member information, news and newsletters.
Publishes newsletters (past and present), photos of members' work, club location and membership information. Based in Jacksonville, Florida.
Chapter of the AAW serving woodturners meeting in Mount Vernon. Includes gallery, PDF's of past newsletters and calendar of meetings.
Gives details of meetings and venue, and includes PDFs of past newsletters. Serving Portland, northwest Oregon and southwest Washington.
Details of meetings, gallery of members work, page on segmented turning and tribute to former President. Rhode Island.
Chapter of American Association of Woodturners.
Gives details of meetings and venue, albums of show and tell, and PDFs of past newsletters. Meets in Bremerton, Washington.
Gives details of meetings and venue. Meets in Tustin, California.
Includes details of meetings and venue, back copies of newsletters, and gallery of work by members. Meets in West Columbia, South Carolina.
Gives details of meetings and venue, past newsletters, and photo galleries of instant galleries at meetings. Greensboro, North Carolina.
Details of meetings and venue, Page of hints, past newsletters and galleries of members' work and from various symposiums. Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Includes gallery of members' work and PDFs of past newsletters. Arizona.
Details of meetings and venue, current newsletter, and archive of past newsletters. Davenport, Iowa.
Details of meetings and venue, gallery of members work and archive newsletters. Loveland, Colorado.
Details of meetings and venue, techniques, past newsletters and photo albums of instant galleries. Meets in San Marcos, California.
Includes galleries of members' work and a page of articles. Florida.
Gives details of meetings and venue, some pictures and archive of past newsletters. Meets in Redmond, Washington.
Includes details of meetings and venue, pictures of some members' work and the current club project. Virginia.
Gives details of meetings and venue and archive of past newsletters. Meets in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Includes details of meetings and venue, pictures of events and members' work, past newsletters and a page of articles. Meets in Tacoma, Washington.
Meeting in Victoria, Texas. Details of meetings, archive of past meetings, list of members, gallery of work.
Gives details of meetings and venue, club news and a page of resources. Meets in Tucson, Arizona.
Gives details of meetings and venue, pictures of events and recent newsletters. Meets in Concord, North Carolina.
Details of meeting and venue, and PDF's of newsletters. Meets in Melbourne, Florida.
Gives information on meetings and venue, Saturday turning sessions and the annual symposium. Meets in Brentwood.
Gives club information, dates of meetings and venues, some photos and turning tips in PDF format. Virginia.
Includes details of meetings and venue, some photos of members' work and some technical articles. Meets in Lutz, Florida.
Includes details of meetings and venue and copies of past newsletters. Caters for members from Chattanooga and the areas of Tennessee, Georgia, and Alabama.
Gives details of meetings and venue, photo albums and copies of newsletters in PDFf format. Meets in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania.
Formed in 2005 for turners in the South Puget Sound area. Washington State
Chapter of AAW located on the San Francisco Peninsula, details of meetings, gallery of work and PDF of current and old newsletters.
Includes details of meetings held in Lewisburg and some gallery's of members work.
Gives details of meetings and gallery of members' work. Meets in Dixfield, Maine.
Two Chapters of the American Association of Woodturners located in Western NY. Gallery of members work.
Includes details of meetings, a gallery page, tips and techniques and copies of the newsletter. Meets in Salem, Oregon.
Includes details of meetings and the NC Woodturning Symposium. Meets in Leland, North Carolina.
Gives some information about next meeting and includes some photographs. California.
Gives details of meetings and venue, back newsletters, tutorial on microwave drying wood and galleries of turnings. Meets at Forth Worth, Texas.
Club serving the south-central and south-western Missouri, as well as Arkansas Ozarks areas. Monthly meetings with live demonstrations and discussions.
Local chapter of the American Association of Woodturners, includes meeting details and schedules. St. Louis, Missouri.
Gives details of meetings and venue. Meets in Tustin, California.
Local chapter of the American Association of Woodturners, includes meeting details and schedules. St. Louis, Missouri.
A Local Chapter of the American Association of Woodturners. Gives details of meetings and schedules; includes pictures of meetings and some turners work. Philadelphia.
Galleries illustrating members work and calendar of events. Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington.
Club information, meetings schedule, photo gallery, and newsletters. Pages of tips, techniques and tools. Michigan.
Includes details of meetings and venue, back copies of newsletters, and gallery of work by members. Meets in West Columbia, South Carolina.
Gives details of meetings, and venue; also PDFs of past newsletters and a photo gallery of members' work. Greater Cleveland, Ohio.
Gives details of meetings and venue, back newsletters, tutorial on microwave drying wood and galleries of turnings. Meets at Forth Worth, Texas.
Includes details of meetings and venue, pictures of some members' work and the current club project. Virginia.
Non-profit educational organization serving the Northern Nevada area. Membership and meeting information, calendar, newsletters and links to special interest groups.
Details of venue, and gallery of members photos. Meets in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania.
Gives details of meetings and venue, pictures of events and recent newsletters. Meets in Concord, North Carolina.
Gives details of meetings and venue and archive of past newsletters. Meets in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Gives details of meetings and venue, back copies of newsletters, and galleries of members work. Chester County, Pennsylvania.
Gives details of meetings and venue, PDF of latest newsletter and information from the AAW Symposium. Denton, Texas.
Includes details of meetings and venue, some photos of members' work and some technical articles. Meets in Lutz, Florida.
Includes details of meetings and venue and copies of past newsletters. Caters for members from Chattanooga and the areas of Tennessee, Georgia, and Alabama.
Gives details of meetings and venue, downloads of past newsletters and links to members' sites. Allentown, Pennsylvania.
Contains information about meetings and venue. Evansville, Indiana.
Chapter of the AAW serving woodturners meeting in Mount Vernon. Includes gallery, PDF's of past newsletters and calendar of meetings.
Details of meetings, calendar, club information, galleries and newsletter. Crimora, Virginia.
Club meeting in Woburn, Massachusetts, includes information on meetings and mentor program, gallery of members work, tips and techniques, and a chat room.
Club serving the south-central and south-western Missouri, as well as Arkansas Ozarks areas. Monthly meetings with live demonstrations and discussions.
Gives details of meetings and venue, plus photos of show and tell and copies of past newsletters. Rockville, Maryland.
Features a show and tell section, member information, news and newsletters.
Includes gallery of members' work and PDFs of past newsletters. Arizona.
Member of the American Association of Woodturners. Details of meetings with map, gallery of members' work, page of "how-to's" and photos of some club events. Texas.
Gives details of meetings and venue, some pictures and archive of past newsletters. Meets in Redmond, Washington.
Includes galleries of members' work and a page of articles. Florida.
Includes details of meetings and venues, photos of work by members, and copies of past-newsletters.
Gives some information about next meeting and includes some photographs. California.
Gives details of meetings and gallery of members' work. Meets in Dixfield, Maine.
Meeting in Victoria, Texas. Details of meetings, archive of past meetings, list of members, gallery of work.
Gives details of meetings and venue, and includes downloads of articles on tips and techniques.
Gives details of meetings and venue, photo albums and copies of newsletters in PDFf format. Meets in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania.
Includes details of meetings and venue, pictures of events and members' work, past newsletters and a page of articles. Meets in Tacoma, Washington.
Details of meetings and venue, techniques, past newsletters and photo albums of instant galleries. Meets in San Marcos, California.
Details of meetings and venue, gallery of members work and archive newsletters. Loveland, Colorado.
A section of the Rochester, New York Woodworkers Society, includes copies of past newsletters and pictures of meetings.
Information on meetings and program, copies of past newsletters and pictures of previous instant galleries. Meets in Denver, Colorado.
Gives details of meetings and venue, albums of show and tell, and PDFs of past newsletters. Meets in Bremerton, Washington.
Includes details of meetings, a gallery page, tips and techniques and copies of the newsletter. Meets in Salem, Oregon.
Includes club information, meeting venue, photo albums, recent and past newsletters, and some articles on techniques. Houston, Texas.
Gives details of meetings and events, including discussion forum. Georgia.
Details of meetings and demonstrations, and back copies of the newsletter.
Gives details of the chapter, meeting times and venue, photo galleries, information about scholarships, and their symposium "Turning Southern Style".
Chapter of AAW located on the San Francisco Peninsula, details of meetings, gallery of work and PDF of current and old newsletters.
Details of forthcoming demonstrations, events, turning tips, and galleries of members work. Own a mobile turning school. Meets in Asheville, North Carolina.
Details of meeting and venue, and PDF's of newsletters. Meets in Melbourne, Florida.
A chapter of the American Association of Woodturners. Gives details of meetings and classes held in Lilburn, Georgia.
Includes details of meetings held in Lewisburg and some gallery's of members work.
Details of meetings, galleries, projects and articles. Based in Worcester, Massachusetts.
Details of club, galleries of members work, and show and tell; mentoring program, including skills offered and detailed tips and techniques.
Two Chapters of the American Association of Woodturners located in Western NY. Gallery of members work.
Gives details of meetings and venue, past newsletters, and photo galleries of instant galleries at meetings. Greensboro, North Carolina.
Gives details of meetings and venue, and includes PDFs of past newsletters. Serving Portland, northwest Oregon and southwest Washington.
Providing details of meeting place, mentor program, events, membership details, and pages of tips and projects.
Details of meetings and venue, Page of hints, past newsletters and galleries of members' work and from various symposiums. Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Details of meetings, newsletters and galleries of members work.
Gives details of meetings and venue, club news and a page of resources. Meets in Tucson, Arizona.
Gives details of meetings and venue,including demonstrators for the year. Also photo gallery and archive copies of newsletter since 1991. Hickory, North Carolina.
Details of meetings and venue, current newsletter, and archive of past newsletters. Davenport, Iowa.
Includes details of meetings and the NC Woodturning Symposium. Meets in Leland, North Carolina.
Details of meetings, galleries of members work, resources, projects and photos from past demonstrations. Ventura County, California.
Gives club information, dates of meetings and venues, some photos and turning tips in PDF format. Virginia.
Local chapter of AAW located in Topeka; details of meetings, and photos of previous meeting.
Includes details of meetings and venue, photos-galleries of past meetings, and PDF's of recent newsletters. Sacramento, California.
Located in the Suburban Chicago Area, provides a forum to promote the art and craft of woodturning through education, information and community programs.
Club information, galleries of members work and details of club contribution to reconstruction work on the vessel Amistad.
Gives meeting information and venue, and various galleries. Lincoln, Nebraska
Details of the club, list of online resources, photos of club events and members' work.
Chapter of the American Association Of Woodturners. Details of meetings, galleries of members' work, and tips and techniques. Crossville, Tennessee.
Publishes newsletters (past and present), photos of members' work, club location and membership information. Based in Jacksonville, Florida.
Details of meetings, gallery of members' work, copies of past newsletters and information on some techniques.
Details of meetings, back newsletters and events.
Formed in 2005 for turners in the South Puget Sound area. Washington State
Gives information on meetings and venue, Saturday turning sessions and the annual symposium. Meets in Brentwood.
Gives details of meetings and venue, photos of some past meetings, and albums of members' work. Roseland, New Jersey.
Gives details of next meeting and venue, gallery of members' work and .pdfs of some past meetings. Alameda, New Mexico.
Gives details of meetings and venue, past newsletters, photos of Show'n'Tell and work by some members. Frederick, Maryland.
Includes details of meetings and venue, galleries of show and tell, individuals, and 'how-do-they-do-it'. South China, Maine.
Includes details of meetings and venue, articles, tips, and some photos of demonstrators and 'show and tell'. Glenwood, Iowa.
Information about the club, membership, venue, picture galleries and some tips and techniques.
Gives information about meetings, venue and some pictures. Greenville, Texas.
Gives details of coming meetings, venue, and pictures from past meetings. Serves the area around New Castle, Delaware.
Gives information about meetings and includes pictures of members' work. Newtown, Pennsylvania
Details of meetings and events, members pages, articles and videos. Annapolis, Maryland.
Details of meetings and demonstrations, photos of members' work, meetings, demonstrations and instant galleries. La Crosse, Wisconsin.
Details of meetings and events, photos of Show and Tell at meetings. Athens, Georgia.
Details of meetings, gallery of members work, page on segmented turning and tribute to former President. Rhode Island.
Information about the chapter, meetings, local suppliers of wood,and gallery of member's work. Before each meeting a tutorial on tool sharpening. Anchorage, Alaska.
Announcements, meeting schedule, newsletters, gallery, videos, tips and articles, buy-sell, and library. Homewood, Alabama.
International, non-profit society dedicated to the advancement of woodturning by providing education, information, and organization.
Serving the greater Los Angeles Metro area. Contains tips, galleries of work and helpful links.
San Francisco, East Bay area association of woodturners informational site. Includes galleries, links and group and meeting information.
Providing education, preservation, and inspiration. Hosts the Desert Woodturning Roundup National Turning Symposium.
Chapter of American Association of Woodturners.
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