Abraham Cahan (1860-1951) was born to an Orthodox Jewish family near Vilna. An ardent socialist, he emigrated to the United States in 1882, settling on New York City's Lower East Side. He was the influential editor of the Yiddish-language newspaper the Jewish Daily Forward. He also was a novelist and short story writer, writing his fiction in the English language.
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Suggestions for teaching Cahan in the classroom.
Biography of the Jewish-American author and discussion of his literary legacy.
1901 biography of the Russian-American novelist and labor leader, with particular emphasis on his socialist activities.
Biography of the influential Yiddish writer, with particular emphasis on his career as a journalist.
The story of the immigrant journalist and novelist.
Short biography for schoolchildren. Includes portrait.
Biography of the influential Yiddish writer, with particular emphasis on his career as a journalist.
The story of the immigrant journalist and novelist.
Short biography for schoolchildren. Includes portrait.
1901 biography of the Russian-American novelist and labor leader, with particular emphasis on his socialist activities.
Biography of the Jewish-American author and discussion of his literary legacy.
Suggestions for teaching Cahan in the classroom.
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February 1, 2022 at 9:15:19 UTC
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