The Dragonlance series was created by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman in 1984. Set in the world of Krynn, the series originally focused on a group of unlikely friends who fought the forces of darkness and thereafter were known as the Heroes of the Lance. Since then, the Dragonlance saga has expanded to include various other characters and storylines, written by diverse authors for TSR, Inc.
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Sites 4
Official site featuring the artist's work on the series.
A list of all that has been printed about the world of Krynn in official TSR and Wizards of the Coast publications.
Unofficial forum for the discussion of news, rumours, gossip relating to movies based on the Dragonlance world.
Official website includes color and black and white galleries, an illustrated story, comments by Elmore on some of his works, an online store, and links.
A list of all that has been printed about the world of Krynn in official TSR and Wizards of the Coast publications.
Unofficial forum for the discussion of news, rumours, gossip relating to movies based on the Dragonlance world.
Official site featuring the artist's work on the series.
Official website includes color and black and white galleries, an illustrated story, comments by Elmore on some of his works, an online store, and links.
Other languages 1
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April 2, 2021 at 5:15:06 UTC
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- Recently edited by cherel