The limerick consists of five anapestic lines rhymed aabba. The first, second, and fifth lines are trimeter; the third and fourth lines are dimeter. The form dates back at least to the fourteenth century. In its modern form, it is often, though not always, bawdy.
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Sites 17
A limerick blog. The limericks, however, are not in the classic form, and the rhymes are often not exact.
This interactive 'net artifact is an exercise in computer glossolalia that allows users to randomly generate metrically perfect nonsense-limericks--in an "alien" (that is, not spoken, now nor ever, on Earth) language.
List of print books of and on limericks, compiled by Karl Dilcher.
A blog that collects a number of sites relating to Edward Lear, the creator of the limerick.
The original Nantucket limerick published in the Princeton Tiger in 1924, with various extensions that appeared in other publications.
A brief but insightful description of the limerick form.
The two earliest known books of limericks, with a link to a third. Part of an Edward Lear home page.
A daily (ribald) limerick, with an archive of previously featured limericks.
A limerick page for children, with a simple explanation and some family-friendly examples, including the option to print out limericks in color. Be warned: the site generates pop-up and new-browser-window ads.
A brief history and explanation along with numerous examples from "A Book of Nonsense" by Edward Lear.
Clean and funny limericks.
Limericks and short lines by Slava Meskhi. English, Russian and Georgian languages.
A project to write at least one limerick for every word in the English language.
Translations of English and Polish limericks (English-Polish and Polish-English).
From the Maigue poets to Ogden Nash, witty wordsmiths have delighted in composing the oft-risqué five-line verses. Introductory article.
The incomplete collected limericks of Richard C. Long.
An article with commentary from The Pentatette concerning early limerick-like prayers written by St. Thomas Aquinas.
An article with commentary from The Pentatette concerning early limerick-like prayers written by St. Thomas Aquinas.
A blog that collects a number of sites relating to Edward Lear, the creator of the limerick.
From the Maigue poets to Ogden Nash, witty wordsmiths have delighted in composing the oft-risqué five-line verses. Introductory article.
A brief history and explanation along with numerous examples from "A Book of Nonsense" by Edward Lear.
Clean and funny limericks.
A limerick blog. The limericks, however, are not in the classic form, and the rhymes are often not exact.
A limerick page for children, with a simple explanation and some family-friendly examples, including the option to print out limericks in color. Be warned: the site generates pop-up and new-browser-window ads.
The original Nantucket limerick published in the Princeton Tiger in 1924, with various extensions that appeared in other publications.
Translations of English and Polish limericks (English-Polish and Polish-English).
The two earliest known books of limericks, with a link to a third. Part of an Edward Lear home page.
The incomplete collected limericks of Richard C. Long.
A project to write at least one limerick for every word in the English language.
This interactive 'net artifact is an exercise in computer glossolalia that allows users to randomly generate metrically perfect nonsense-limericks--in an "alien" (that is, not spoken, now nor ever, on Earth) language.
List of print books of and on limericks, compiled by Karl Dilcher.
Limericks and short lines by Slava Meskhi. English, Russian and Georgian languages.
A brief but insightful description of the limerick form.
A daily (ribald) limerick, with an archive of previously featured limericks.
Other languages 1

Last update:
November 22, 2023 at 8:15:04 UTC

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