Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) has been described as the first and greatest homegrown American philosopher. He was an ordained minister, a theologian, a missionary, and a man of letters, producing some 100,000 pages during his lifetime. Briefly, towards the end of his life, he was President of The College of New Jersey (later renamed Princeton University).
Not to be confused with his second son, Jonathan Edwards (1745-1801), who was also a minister and theologian. His son served as President of Union College of Schenectady, New York.
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Two brief biographical essays, and the complete texts of several of his works.
1889 biography by Alexander Allen.
Supporting research and study of Edwards primarily by publishing his works online.
Life and work of 18th-century American philosophical theologian, by William Wainwright.
Life and accomplishments.
Two brief biographical essays, and the complete texts of several of his works.
1889 biography by Alexander Allen.
Supporting research and study of Edwards primarily by publishing his works online.
Life and accomplishments.
Life and work of 18th-century American philosophical theologian, by William Wainwright.
Other languages 1
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