James Joyce (1882-1941) is the Irish author who developed the stream-of-consciousness narrative technique. His works include _Chamber Music_, _Dubliners_, _A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man_, _Finnegans Wake_, and _Pomes Penyeach_. His most notable work, _Ulysses_, is considered by many to be the greatest novel ever written.
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Sites 23
A glimpse of James Joyce's Dublin through the photographs of JJ Clarke taken 1897-1904.
Includes all reviews and articles on Joyce which have appeared in the New York Times from 1919 to the present.
Online exhibit showing highlights of Cornell University Library's collection of letters, manuscripts, and books documenting the life and work of the author.
A profile of the writer, newspaper articles on him and his works, links to online texts.
Encourages scholarship, criticism, and study of the life, work, and career of the writer, and enables scholars, critics, teachers, students, and general readers to achieve a greater appreciation and understanding of his work.
An article by Scott W. Klein on Joyce's influence on 20th century music.
Run by University College Dublin. One of the foremost gatherings in the Joycean calendar.
Extensive bibliography listing over 1,000 scholarly books, articles, and websites on Joyce's major works, including Dubliners, Portrait of the Artist, Ulysses, and Finnegans Wake.
Run by the Joyce family, this elegant Georgian building in North Great George's Street is the centre of activity on Bloomsday.
A searchable database of citations and links to publications relevant to Joyce in any language and in any medium, from the early twentieth century to the present, hosted by the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas at Austin.
Explores the musical dimension of Ulysses, Dubliners, A Portrait, Joyce's poems, and Finnegans Wake, with essays on the literary context of the music and sound clips of songs.
Commentary, resources, and archival information about James Joyce from The New York Times.
Introduction to James Joyce, with essays on Portrait of the Artist, recommended links, and Joyce bookshop
An annual footrace during which people read out loud from Joyce's books.
A reference source on Joyce. Features biographical information, bibliographies, articles, reviews, and links.
A fully searchable online compilation of selected out-of-print critical scholarship on the works of James Joyce.
Founded in 1947 in New York City, the Society meets several times a year and is devoted to the appreciation of the life, works, and significance of the Irish author.
Aida Yared's collection of historical photos, illustrations, maps, postcards, stereoscope viewcards, and other contemporary images related to Ulysses, organized by chapter.
Long essay explores the question, "Is James Joyce’s grandson, Stephen Joyce, suppressing scholarship?"
A University of Tulsa blog providing news and information about Joyce studies and events across the globe.
A description of activities from 1997 to the present, including lecturers, scholarships and application.
Biography with information on the writing of Ulysses and Finnegans Wake, plus consideration of his legacy and a bibliography.
Includes articles from newsletter and information on events, workshops, and scholarships.
A searchable database of citations and links to publications relevant to Joyce in any language and in any medium, from the early twentieth century to the present, hosted by the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas at Austin.
An article by Scott W. Klein on Joyce's influence on 20th century music.
Commentary, resources, and archival information about James Joyce from The New York Times.
A glimpse of James Joyce's Dublin through the photographs of JJ Clarke taken 1897-1904.
A profile of the writer, newspaper articles on him and his works, links to online texts.
Extensive bibliography listing over 1,000 scholarly books, articles, and websites on Joyce's major works, including Dubliners, Portrait of the Artist, Ulysses, and Finnegans Wake.
Encourages scholarship, criticism, and study of the life, work, and career of the writer, and enables scholars, critics, teachers, students, and general readers to achieve a greater appreciation and understanding of his work.
A fully searchable online compilation of selected out-of-print critical scholarship on the works of James Joyce.
A University of Tulsa blog providing news and information about Joyce studies and events across the globe.
A description of activities from 1997 to the present, including lecturers, scholarships and application.
Introduction to James Joyce, with essays on Portrait of the Artist, recommended links, and Joyce bookshop
Explores the musical dimension of Ulysses, Dubliners, A Portrait, Joyce's poems, and Finnegans Wake, with essays on the literary context of the music and sound clips of songs.
Includes all reviews and articles on Joyce which have appeared in the New York Times from 1919 to the present.
Aida Yared's collection of historical photos, illustrations, maps, postcards, stereoscope viewcards, and other contemporary images related to Ulysses, organized by chapter.
A reference source on Joyce. Features biographical information, bibliographies, articles, reviews, and links.
Run by University College Dublin. One of the foremost gatherings in the Joycean calendar.
Long essay explores the question, "Is James Joyce’s grandson, Stephen Joyce, suppressing scholarship?"
Includes articles from newsletter and information on events, workshops, and scholarships.
Online exhibit showing highlights of Cornell University Library's collection of letters, manuscripts, and books documenting the life and work of the author.
An annual footrace during which people read out loud from Joyce's books.
Run by the Joyce family, this elegant Georgian building in North Great George's Street is the centre of activity on Bloomsday.
Biography with information on the writing of Ulysses and Finnegans Wake, plus consideration of his legacy and a bibliography.
Founded in 1947 in New York City, the Society meets several times a year and is devoted to the appreciation of the life, works, and significance of the Irish author.
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