Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980), British film director, who spent much of his time in Hollywood after 1940. His name and profile are a trademark for suspense thrillers.
Early British films include 'The Lady Vanishes' and 'The Thirty Nine Steps'. Later US films include 'Vertigo', 'Strangers on a Train', 'North by Northwest'. and 'The Birds'.
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Subcategories 1
Related categories 4
Sites 13
Includes posters from many of Hitchcock's movies.
The intention of this site is to allow the viewing of cinema posters from all the movies of Alfred Hitchcock.
Short essay which considers Hitchcock in terms of Auteur theory.
Blog by Joel Gunz discusses the life and films of the director. Includes film stills.
Fan site with news, articles, galleries, videos, interviews, and discussion.
Essays on the use of the Point of View shot in Saboteur, and the influence of spy films, as well as analysis of Spellbound, Rear Window and North by Northwest.
Includes filmographies, a biography, trivia, quotes, links, and other details.
Alfred Hitchcock WAVs and animations.
Includes film posters, filmography, awards, actress Teresa Wright's memories and further information on Shadow of a Doubt and Rebecca.
Essay from Images Journal by James A Davidson comparing the work of the director with the Russian author.
Overview of published literature on the director.
Article discussing the director's life, films, character and working methods, with a filmography.
Steven DeRosa's site investigates the aspect of filmmaking the filmmaker enjoyed most - working with the writer. Original articles, interviews, script excerpts.
Steven DeRosa's site investigates the aspect of filmmaking the filmmaker enjoyed most - working with the writer. Original articles, interviews, script excerpts.
Fan site with news, articles, galleries, videos, interviews, and discussion.
Overview of published literature on the director.
Short essay which considers Hitchcock in terms of Auteur theory.
Includes filmographies, a biography, trivia, quotes, links, and other details.
Essays on the use of the Point of View shot in Saboteur, and the influence of spy films, as well as analysis of Spellbound, Rear Window and North by Northwest.
Blog by Joel Gunz discusses the life and films of the director. Includes film stills.
Includes film posters, filmography, awards, actress Teresa Wright's memories and further information on Shadow of a Doubt and Rebecca.
Includes posters from many of Hitchcock's movies.
The intention of this site is to allow the viewing of cinema posters from all the movies of Alfred Hitchcock.
Article discussing the director's life, films, character and working methods, with a filmography.
Essay from Images Journal by James A Davidson comparing the work of the director with the Russian author.
Alfred Hitchcock WAVs and animations.
Other languages 5

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December 5, 2024 at 16:27:52 UTC

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