A mockumentary film is a movie that purports to document actual events, but actually present fictitious situations. Mockumentaries can fall into several broad movie genres, such as comedy or political satire.
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Sites 4
Introduction to genre. Includes definition and detailed list of major works.
Dissertation by Eric Schockmel. Examines the mockumentary genre as critical discourse.
Mockumentary resource for teachers and students. Features definition of the genre, filmography, bibliography and book abstract.
List of mockumentary resources available at university library. Includes books, articles, films and reviews.
Dissertation by Eric Schockmel. Examines the mockumentary genre as critical discourse.
Introduction to genre. Includes definition and detailed list of major works.
Mockumentary resource for teachers and students. Features definition of the genre, filmography, bibliography and book abstract.
List of mockumentary resources available at university library. Includes books, articles, films and reviews.
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September 28, 2020 at 2:52:16 UTC
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