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Arts Movies Titles B Baraka - 1992
Baraka is a 1992 documentary film directed by Ron Fricke, with no conventional plot: it is a collection of scenes with an environmental theme. This category is intended for sites about the film.
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Film information, production details, reviews, user comments and ratings, multimedia, and links.
Review of the film by D.B. Spalding. "...a profound celebration of each culture's, each individual's, personal experience of our universe."
Anthony Leong reviews the documentary film. "...a stunning visual essay on the relationship between Man and the Earth..."
Review of the film by Chris Hicks. "...stands as a monumental achievement, whatever its flaws." (February 04, 1994)
A review by Roger Ebert. "...he movie has the power of a dream, from which we awaken, instead of a warning, to which we respond." [Chicago Sun-Times] (November 12, 1993)
Review by Hal Hinson of the Washington Post. "The film allows us to see the actual interconnectedness of all things in the world..." (October 27, 1993)
Anthony Leong reviews the documentary film. "...a stunning visual essay on the relationship between Man and the Earth..."
Film information, production details, reviews, user comments and ratings, multimedia, and links.
Review of the film by D.B. Spalding. "...a profound celebration of each culture's, each individual's, personal experience of our universe."
Review of the film by Chris Hicks. "...stands as a monumental achievement, whatever its flaws." (February 04, 1994)
A review by Roger Ebert. "...he movie has the power of a dream, from which we awaken, instead of a warning, to which we respond." [Chicago Sun-Times] (November 12, 1993)
Review by Hal Hinson of the Washington Post. "The film allows us to see the actual interconnectedness of all things in the world..." (October 27, 1993)
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