Subcategories 8
Related categories 1
Sites 6
Box office data for the film.
Official site with plot and character information. [Please use this URL to replace the listed official site; its domain has expired.]
Full cast and crew for the film, company credits, external reviews, plot summary, memorable quotes, merchandising links and other information from the Internet Movie Database.
Links to reviews on other sites.
Reviews, news, articles, previews, and trailers
Critique of the movie with stills, trailer, and links.
(September 22, 1999)
Official site with plot and character information. [Please use this URL to replace the listed official site; its domain has expired.]
Full cast and crew for the film, company credits, external reviews, plot summary, memorable quotes, merchandising links and other information from the Internet Movie Database.
Links to reviews on other sites.
Box office data for the film.
Reviews, news, articles, previews, and trailers
Critique of the movie with stills, trailer, and links.
(September 22, 1999)
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March 20, 2016 at 7:35:06 UTC
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