1929 silent film that made Louise Brooks an international star. The movie tells the tragic story of Lulu, a dancer and prostitute. Based on the plays of F. Wedekind. Released as "Buechse der Pandora, Die" in Germany, and as "Pandora's Box" in the UK and USA. Sometimes referred to as Lulu. Directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst.
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Classic silent film, also known as Pandora's Box. Complete movie information, such as cast, crew, plot summary, and viewer comments.
Cast, crew, credits, pictures, and a description of this 1929 German film and its restoration. Loosely adapted from two Wedekind plays comprising the 'Lulu' tragedy.
Reviews, DVD information, synopsis, credits, posters, links, and a forum.
Reviews, DVD information, synopsis, credits, posters, links, and a forum.
Classic silent film, also known as Pandora's Box. Complete movie information, such as cast, crew, plot summary, and viewer comments.
Cast, crew, credits, pictures, and a description of this 1929 German film and its restoration. Loosely adapted from two Wedekind plays comprising the 'Lulu' tragedy.
Other languages 1
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August 11, 2014 at 16:15:03 UTC
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