The Pianist: UK/France/Germany/Poland/Netherlands (2002), directed by Roman Polanski. The film is based on the autobiography of Wladyslaw Szpilman (Adrien Brody), a concert pianist who managed, against the odds, to survive the Nazi-initiated Warsaw ghetto.
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Subcategories 8
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Sites 6
Movie summary and review, cast and crew, and related links. Interviews with Adrien Brody and Maureen Lipman.
Synopsis, cast and crew, and user comments.
Explores the real people behind the film's story. Includes photographs, multimedia, and related links.
Reviews, movie information, trailer, poster, photographs, news, articles, and forum.
Article in which Adrien Brody reveals the physical and mental challenges involved in playing the lead role in Roman Polanski's award-winning film, The Pianist.
(January 24, 2003)
Roger Ebert reviews the film directed by Roman Polanski, written by Ronald Harwood.
(January 03, 2003)
Synopsis, cast and crew, and user comments.
Movie summary and review, cast and crew, and related links. Interviews with Adrien Brody and Maureen Lipman.
Reviews, movie information, trailer, poster, photographs, news, articles, and forum.
Explores the real people behind the film's story. Includes photographs, multimedia, and related links.
Article in which Adrien Brody reveals the physical and mental challenges involved in playing the lead role in Roman Polanski's award-winning film, The Pianist.
(January 24, 2003)
Roger Ebert reviews the film directed by Roman Polanski, written by Ronald Harwood.
(January 03, 2003)
Other languages 3
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