A woman who uses a piano to communicate and her daughter are sent to an arranged marriage in New Zealand. Directed by Jane Campion Writing credits Jane Campion and stars Holly Hunter, Harvey Keitel, Sam Neill, Anna Paquin
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Sites 6
Roger Ebert's review.
Full information about the cast, crew and film locations. Also links to user and external reviews, movie connections and photographs.
Quotes from and links to reviews of the film, with an overall rating and viewer comments.
Reviews, synopsis, mistakes, quotes, production notes, credits, links, and a forum.
The fourth draft script for the movie.
Review, by Hal Hinson: "'The Piano' is dark, sublime music, and after it's over, you won't be able to get it out of your head."
(November 19, 1993)
Quotes from and links to reviews of the film, with an overall rating and viewer comments.
Roger Ebert's review.
Reviews, synopsis, mistakes, quotes, production notes, credits, links, and a forum.
Full information about the cast, crew and film locations. Also links to user and external reviews, movie connections and photographs.
The fourth draft script for the movie.
Review, by Hal Hinson: "'The Piano' is dark, sublime music, and after it's over, you won't be able to get it out of your head."
(November 19, 1993)

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April 6, 2018 at 6:05:07 UTC

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