Romantic composer Sergei Rachmaninov ("Sergey" and "Rachmaninoff" are common variant spellings) was born in Novgorod, Russian in 1873. The Russian Revolution led him to leave Russia and he settled in the United States. Rachmaninoff determined to become a superior pianist, thus supporting his family, which had lost all its possessions during the flight from Communism. He died in Los Angeles in 1943.
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Related categories 9
Sites 5
Directory of mp3s on the internet that have been made available by their performing artists.
Biography, complete files offered in MIDI, MP3, and Windows Media audio formats, including live recordings of featured artists.
Includes articles and contact information.
Filmography at IMDb.
Classical Net Basic Repertoire List resources, selected discography, and additional resources.
Directory of mp3s on the internet that have been made available by their performing artists.
Filmography at IMDb.
Biography, complete files offered in MIDI, MP3, and Windows Media audio formats, including live recordings of featured artists.
Classical Net Basic Repertoire List resources, selected discography, and additional resources.
Includes articles and contact information.
Other languages 2
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May 2, 2019 at 0:45:03 UTC
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