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Arts Music Composition Composers S Schubert, Franz Peter
Although Austrian Franz Peter Schubert (1797-1828) lived during the Classical period, in many respects he was the protypical Romantic composer. His output over his brief life is scarcely rivaled and he was able to excel in several genres. During much of his life, his hundreds of Lieder and song-cycles attracted the most attention, but he also wrote symphonies, theater music, and religious music. He also composed several operas, but they are seldom performed or remembered.
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Over 350 complete works offered in MIDI, MP3, and Windows Media audio formats, including live recordings of featured artists. Two biographies, including that from the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music. Timelines, search engine.
Texts of Müller poems used for song cycle.
Introduction, links to biographies, major works, and recommended recordings, by Dave Lampson at Classical Net's Basic Repertoire List.
A chronological listing by premier of operas and dramatic works at OperaGlass.
Filmography at Internet Movie Database (IMDb) with biographical information and list of movies and television programs using his music.
Biography, links, and directory of MP3 audio files that have been made available by the performing artists. From Classic Cat.
Biographical data, recommended CDs, books and sheet music, bibliography, and links to biographical essays from Dr. Estella's Incredibly Abribged Dictionary of Composers.
Biography, influences and principle works, including examples of his music.
Find a Grave brief biography and photographs of the burial place of the composer in Vienna between Beethoven and Johann Strauss, Jr. Link to the cemetery shows other notables sharing his resting place.
Biography, picture, MIDI files, and WMA/MP3 files.
Lyrics of over 600 songs, many with English translation.
Analysis of his setting of the Heine poem "Der Doppelgaenger" by David Loberg Code. Examines the myth of ghostly doubles against the composer's life and the specifics of this work.
Pianist Bart Berman presents a brief biography, answers to questions, analysis of selected piano duets and the unfinished sonatas, plus links and a discography.
Tomoko Yamamoto studies the composer's 1825 travels with Johann Michael Vogl using photographs and text. Also partially in Japanese.
Biography, influences and principle works, including examples of his music.
Find a Grave brief biography and photographs of the burial place of the composer in Vienna between Beethoven and Johann Strauss, Jr. Link to the cemetery shows other notables sharing his resting place.
Introduction, links to biographies, major works, and recommended recordings, by Dave Lampson at Classical Net's Basic Repertoire List.
Lyrics of over 600 songs, many with English translation.
Filmography at Internet Movie Database (IMDb) with biographical information and list of movies and television programs using his music.
Biography, links, and directory of MP3 audio files that have been made available by the performing artists. From Classic Cat.
Analysis of his setting of the Heine poem "Der Doppelgaenger" by David Loberg Code. Examines the myth of ghostly doubles against the composer's life and the specifics of this work.
Tomoko Yamamoto studies the composer's 1825 travels with Johann Michael Vogl using photographs and text. Also partially in Japanese.
A chronological listing by premier of operas and dramatic works at OperaGlass.
Texts of Müller poems used for song cycle.
Pianist Bart Berman presents a brief biography, answers to questions, analysis of selected piano duets and the unfinished sonatas, plus links and a discography.
Biography, picture, MIDI files, and WMA/MP3 files.
Over 350 complete works offered in MIDI, MP3, and Windows Media audio formats, including live recordings of featured artists. Two biographies, including that from the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music. Timelines, search engine.
Biographical data, recommended CDs, books and sheet music, bibliography, and links to biographical essays from Dr. Estella's Incredibly Abribged Dictionary of Composers.

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