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This lyrics category lists sites which are solely dedicated to folk and traditional lyrics, or have at least a substantial number of folk lyrics posted.
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A collection of traditional lyrics separated by country of origin, including some midi files.
Collection of traditional and bush songs with words, music and information about each song.
List of traditional Irish and Scottish lyrics, chords, CDs and downloadable MP3s. Free monthly newsletter for more free MP3s.
Includes lyrics and translations for several contemporary Celtic artists and groups.
Lyrics to new and traditional children's songs, some with sound clips, and actions.
Text and tunes in 50 languages, and many notes.
Small collection of lyrics to traditional Scottish songs.
A selection of lyrics from middle English from Luminarium.
Index to traditional poems, songs, and ballads from the British Isles, Ireland, America, and the Native Americas.
Includes the lyrics in Quechua, along with their English and Spanish translations.
Lyrics, musical samples and information on some Sicilian folk songs.
Folk song sheets in .pdf format, so they can be printed and used by musicians or singers.
Includes traditional music in songbooks, MIDI files, and sheet music, with lyrics.
A collection of lyrics to songs concerning the struggles of workers, repressed peoples, and the unions.
Includes lyrics and translations for several contemporary Celtic artists and groups.
Index to traditional poems, songs, and ballads from the British Isles, Ireland, America, and the Native Americas.
Small collection of lyrics to traditional Scottish songs.
Folk song sheets in .pdf format, so they can be printed and used by musicians or singers.
Text and tunes in 50 languages, and many notes.
Includes traditional music in songbooks, MIDI files, and sheet music, with lyrics.
List of traditional Irish and Scottish lyrics, chords, CDs and downloadable MP3s. Free monthly newsletter for more free MP3s.
A selection of lyrics from middle English from Luminarium.
Includes the lyrics in Quechua, along with their English and Spanish translations.
A collection of traditional lyrics separated by country of origin, including some midi files.
Collection of traditional and bush songs with words, music and information about each song.
Lyrics, musical samples and information on some Sicilian folk songs.
Lyrics to new and traditional children's songs, some with sound clips, and actions.
A collection of lyrics to songs concerning the struggles of workers, repressed peoples, and the unions.
Last update:
November 11, 2023 at 19:55:02 UTC
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