Email lists, newsletters, ezines, online chats and messageboards for songwriters and about songwriting.
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Related categories 1
Sites 6
News about song lyrics and the people that write them, covering major themes such as song meanings, plagiarism and lyrics in the news.
Covering all styles of music and the craft and business of songwriting since 1984. Interviews, songwriting tips, news, reviews and lyric contest.
Discussion group.
A free monthly newsletter and e-zine with interviews, articles, listings of songwriting contests and market information, reviews, and classifieds.
Tipsheet/magazine for music publishers and songwriters: Artists and companies looking for songs, industry news.
Magazine and resource for songwriters offering articles, links and demo evaluations.
Discussion group.
News about song lyrics and the people that write them, covering major themes such as song meanings, plagiarism and lyrics in the news.
A free monthly newsletter and e-zine with interviews, articles, listings of songwriting contests and market information, reviews, and classifieds.
Magazine and resource for songwriters offering articles, links and demo evaluations.
Tipsheet/magazine for music publishers and songwriters: Artists and companies looking for songs, industry news.
Covering all styles of music and the craft and business of songwriting since 1984. Interviews, songwriting tips, news, reviews and lyric contest.

Last update:
October 12, 2018 at 3:16:22 UTC

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- Recently edited by shedragon
- Recently edited by shedragon