Sites about amplification technology, speaker cabinets, heads, and electric guitar electronics.
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Related categories 4
Sites 28
Makers of handmade bass amps.
Manufacturer of tube guitar amps and attenuaters. In-depth technical database.
UK maker of valve guitar amplifiers. Includes sound samples [requires Flash 5].
Products listed by category and includes: pro audio, guitar, bass, and accessories sections with detailed specifications and cabinet descriptions. Company history and contact information are also available as well as an artist list.
Professional quality amps with sound clips and reviews.
Green Amps: tube amplifiers and speaker cabs for guitar and bass.
Bass cabinets, heads, combos, and accessories.
Facts, photos, specifications and details of Garnet amps, as well as a serial number registry.
Handmade tube guitar amps and kits.
Tube amp parts, tube amplifier building supplies, books/videos about tube amps.
Product specifications and detailed descriptions, as well as an image gallery. Also features an artist list, dealer information, and downloadable user manuals. Available in English and Dutch.
Manufacturer of tube amps, guitars, and related accessories. Parts, repairs and restoration of vintage tube amps. Site features a demo room with MP3 clips, a company history section, and ordering information.
Guitar and bass amplifiers, as well as P.A. systems, stage monitors, microphones, and speakers.
Manufacturer of advanced pickups and electronics for guitar and other stringed instruments. Includes product details, manuals, and reviews.
UK manufacturer of guitar and bass amplifiers.
Digital guitar amps and equipment.
Product images and specifications, information on 'rock kits' as well as free instructional material and desktop themes. Also includes a player feedback section, handbooks for download, and an archive of past products.
Manufacturers located in Petaluma, California. Features a tour through the construction process, a dealer list, and a new product release section.
Product features and details pertaining to tone and response. Also contains speakers and padded covers, a distributor list, and contact information.
Custom, hand-built tube guitar amplifiers. EL34 tubes, English transformes, turret board construction. Amp prototypes, repairs and modifications.
High-end guitar amplifiers handmade in Savage, Minnesota. Includes photo gallery and audio clips.
A library of do-it-yourself projects to modify stompboxes and effects, amps and guitars; includes a components shop.
Information regarding reverbs, heads, preamps, and special effect equipment as well as a list of retails and famous users. Also features a FAQ section and contact information.
Amplifier repairer and modifier's site based in Axmister, East Devon, UK. Includes FAQ.
Manufacturer of vacuum-tube guitar amplifiers.
Amplification systems for acoustic guitar. Product information; downloadable .pdf manuals.
Detailed descriptions of the various models offered as well as the components used. Also includes a dealers list by state and links to parts suppliers and reference material.
Manufacturer of amplifiers and effects pedals; includes product details, manuals, sound samples and ordering instructions.
Amplifier repairer and modifier's site based in Axmister, East Devon, UK. Includes FAQ.
UK manufacturer of guitar and bass amplifiers.
Facts, photos, specifications and details of Garnet amps, as well as a serial number registry.
High-end guitar amplifiers handmade in Savage, Minnesota. Includes photo gallery and audio clips.
Green Amps: tube amplifiers and speaker cabs for guitar and bass.
Product images and specifications, information on 'rock kits' as well as free instructional material and desktop themes. Also includes a player feedback section, handbooks for download, and an archive of past products.
Detailed descriptions of the various models offered as well as the components used. Also includes a dealers list by state and links to parts suppliers and reference material.
Amplification systems for acoustic guitar. Product information; downloadable .pdf manuals.
Makers of handmade bass amps.
Guitar and bass amplifiers, as well as P.A. systems, stage monitors, microphones, and speakers.
Information regarding reverbs, heads, preamps, and special effect equipment as well as a list of retails and famous users. Also features a FAQ section and contact information.
Bass cabinets, heads, combos, and accessories.
Manufacturer of tube guitar amps and attenuaters. In-depth technical database.
A library of do-it-yourself projects to modify stompboxes and effects, amps and guitars; includes a components shop.
Products listed by category and includes: pro audio, guitar, bass, and accessories sections with detailed specifications and cabinet descriptions. Company history and contact information are also available as well as an artist list.
Professional quality amps with sound clips and reviews.
Tube amp parts, tube amplifier building supplies, books/videos about tube amps.
Manufacturers located in Petaluma, California. Features a tour through the construction process, a dealer list, and a new product release section.
Digital guitar amps and equipment.
Product features and details pertaining to tone and response. Also contains speakers and padded covers, a distributor list, and contact information.
Handmade tube guitar amps and kits.
Custom, hand-built tube guitar amplifiers. EL34 tubes, English transformes, turret board construction. Amp prototypes, repairs and modifications.
Manufacturer of amplifiers and effects pedals; includes product details, manuals, sound samples and ordering instructions.
UK maker of valve guitar amplifiers. Includes sound samples [requires Flash 5].
Product specifications and detailed descriptions, as well as an image gallery. Also features an artist list, dealer information, and downloadable user manuals. Available in English and Dutch.
Manufacturer of vacuum-tube guitar amplifiers.
Manufacturer of tube amps, guitars, and related accessories. Parts, repairs and restoration of vintage tube amps. Site features a demo room with MP3 clips, a company history section, and ordering information.
Manufacturer of advanced pickups and electronics for guitar and other stringed instruments. Includes product details, manuals, and reviews.

Last update:
June 29, 2023 at 5:45:08 UTC

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