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Sites 4
Contains full filmography, image gallery, biography, and message board.
Official site with biography and profile, discography, videography, downloadable opera and songs recordings, opera roles, pictures, media articles and reviews, and online store. [English/Italian]
Encyclopedia provides a detailed overview of his career, photo and external links.
The Italian tenor, who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last year, has died. Includes photographs, video, career timeline, tributes, obituary, and links.
(September 06, 2007)
Official site with biography and profile, discography, videography, downloadable opera and songs recordings, opera roles, pictures, media articles and reviews, and online store. [English/Italian]
Contains full filmography, image gallery, biography, and message board.
Encyclopedia provides a detailed overview of his career, photo and external links.
The Italian tenor, who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last year, has died. Includes photographs, video, career timeline, tributes, obituary, and links.
(September 06, 2007)
Other languages 3
Last update:
June 15, 2019 at 0:39:49 UTC
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Regional: North America: United States: New Jersey: Localities: P: Princeton: Recreation and Sports
- Recently edited by mcoupal
- Recently edited by mcoupal