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A year in the life of a DJ. Includes photos.
Make sure you're sitting down and have some tea with you when you read this journal. Poetry, pictures and daily thoughts and dreams in this silly place.
Making unexpected and fortunate discoveries.
A personal online journal, featuring a daily diary, fiction, interactive stuff, and a little Tarot thrown in.
The most whimsically self-indulgent and ponderous of the diaries at
Journal of her life.
"I'm gonna go ahead and go boldly, 'cuz a little bird told me that jumping is easy that falling is fun right up until you hit the sidewalk shivering and stunned" - Ani DiFranco
The ongoing journal of an aspiring writer, editor, and word geek, currently in Ann Arbor and desperately missing New York City. Running themes include the author's procrastination, his obsession with popular culture, his inability to pass up an online survey, and his continual wrestling with issues of gender and sexuality.
Chicago writer girl with heart of gold foil and a hat to match.
Three journals in one -- a general collection of observations, a section of meditations on the spiritual life, and a diary of the author's efforts to lose weight and/or make peace with her appearance.
Evolution of a woman.
The writer's thoughts.
Stalking and occasionally maiming life's sacred cows in the urban jungle.
A twenty-something, married, disabled woman who describes herself as "slightly insane."
A personal daily journal with photographs by an old fart in his mid-fifties.
Views, events and the innermost feelings of a handful of creative personalities. Journals, songs, essays, letters and poems.
Includes entries on programming, food and politics.
Stories, jokes, and photos from an avid reader and writer.
The theme of this journal changes with my mood, and maybe that's the way it should be. Lately I've been severely depressed, fed up, angry, and self-destructive. I've lost the key to my happy place and cannot find it. Probably somewhere under the cushions in the couch...
A South African women living in Pretoria writes about traveling, experiences, opinions, journeys, relationships, health and fitness, politics, and love of dogs.
An American living in Stockholm, Sweden, writes about his impressions of Sweden, its people and language.
Personal notes from a gay guy from New Orleans.
A journal by an Amerasian college student living in the deep south. It's about school, her long distance relationship, her crazy ex-boyfriends, her nutty mother, and everything else.
Doctor in the United Kingdom writes about her experiences.
Pretension has never looked so good.
Personal views from a student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County on various subjects, including books, movies, the Internet, "weird news," among other matters.
The daily thoughts on life, death and everything in between.
A South African women living in Pretoria writes about traveling, experiences, opinions, journeys, relationships, health and fitness, politics, and love of dogs.
Personal notes from a gay guy from New Orleans.
Three journals in one -- a general collection of observations, a section of meditations on the spiritual life, and a diary of the author's efforts to lose weight and/or make peace with her appearance.
The daily thoughts on life, death and everything in between.
A year in the life of a DJ. Includes photos.
Chicago writer girl with heart of gold foil and a hat to match.
Evolution of a woman.
The writer's thoughts.
Make sure you're sitting down and have some tea with you when you read this journal. Poetry, pictures and daily thoughts and dreams in this silly place.
Includes entries on programming, food and politics.
Views, events and the innermost feelings of a handful of creative personalities. Journals, songs, essays, letters and poems.
A twenty-something, married, disabled woman who describes herself as "slightly insane."
The theme of this journal changes with my mood, and maybe that's the way it should be. Lately I've been severely depressed, fed up, angry, and self-destructive. I've lost the key to my happy place and cannot find it. Probably somewhere under the cushions in the couch...
Personal views from a student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County on various subjects, including books, movies, the Internet, "weird news," among other matters.
A personal daily journal with photographs by an old fart in his mid-fifties.
A personal online journal, featuring a daily diary, fiction, interactive stuff, and a little Tarot thrown in.
The most whimsically self-indulgent and ponderous of the diaries at
An American living in Stockholm, Sweden, writes about his impressions of Sweden, its people and language.
Stories, jokes, and photos from an avid reader and writer.
Making unexpected and fortunate discoveries.
Journal of her life.
Doctor in the United Kingdom writes about her experiences.
The ongoing journal of an aspiring writer, editor, and word geek, currently in Ann Arbor and desperately missing New York City. Running themes include the author's procrastination, his obsession with popular culture, his inability to pass up an online survey, and his continual wrestling with issues of gender and sexuality.
Stalking and occasionally maiming life's sacred cows in the urban jungle.
"I'm gonna go ahead and go boldly, 'cuz a little bird told me that jumping is easy that falling is fun right up until you hit the sidewalk shivering and stunned" - Ani DiFranco
Pretension has never looked so good.
A journal by an Amerasian college student living in the deep south. It's about school, her long distance relationship, her crazy ex-boyfriends, her nutty mother, and everything else.
Last update:
November 25, 2022 at 1:41:07 UTC
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