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For personal poetry pages in which the author name is not acknowledged.
More information
Collection of the author's dreams, views, artwork, and fantasies through poetry. Also includes mp3s from the band Lonely Fish Mountain.
An exploration into the human mind and heart through poetry, includes regularly updated discussion of women's issues and book recommendations.
Collection of poetry in various topics.
Poetry about beauty and self loathing, silence and screams, vanity and envy, poetry and art, organized into online e-zines.
A tour of life from birth to death and beyond.
Intended for the sole purpose of relieving distress. Poetry about angst, alienation, and even suicide. Also about problems with the outer world.
Poetry, personal page and webring.
A small collection of original poetry.
Feelings put into words from the heart.
Personal poetry about friends, love, relationships, and life.
Collection of poems, mostly based around relationships.
A collection of mostly melancholy poetry by two authors: staind and battered angel.
Fairy-inspired and personal poetry and music.
Poetry, links and resources for writers.
Quotes, lyrics and poetry. [Poems in Microsoft Word format]
Classical and original poetry.
Dedicated to helping me express understand the folly of truth, through poetry and graphics.
The words, hopes, dreams, fantasies, and inner feelings of a woman.
Collection of poems written by a young girl in New England.
Personal poetry, favourite poems and quotes.
Dark and morose thoughts.
Personal poetry. The themes of the poems range from Gothic and love, to nature and life contemplation. A little of everything thrown at you, just like in life.
Complete collection of the poems and paintings. A virtual gallery that's worth every second spent here.
Poetry straight from the veins of a depressive poetess. Beautifully accented with music and graphics.
Poetry, links, forums, and collections ranging from Shakespeare to Billy Collins.
Writing dealing with love and loss, including some random thoughts.
Romantic and classic poetry with user submissions.
Poems by a young person who has experimented with drugs.
Fiction and lyrics of a xeno-crypto-post-apocalyptic nature.
Includes poetry and pictures.
Personal poetry on people, love and experiences.
Life and experiences through poetry.
Poetry of truth, inspiration, and transformation, promoting the Oneness of the universe.
Poetry by a 17-year old girl about angst and growing up. Includes a guestbook, personal and collected poetry, and a bio.
Links to the many pages created by Stolen Tear.
Poetry by the site owner.
A creative space for expression. A collection of poems, thoughts and design.
Extensive personal collection including webring affiliations and news about updates.
A sample of poems, writings and assorted ramblings.
Poetry and thoughts. "A little hope in a sorrowful world".
Poems on various subjects by both the author and guest submissions.
Samples of the author's poetry and short stories.
A virtual secret garden that covers an array of subjects from art to trumpet playing to poetry to Medieval cookery.
Fiction and lyrics of a xeno-crypto-post-apocalyptic nature.
Includes poetry and pictures.
Extensive personal collection including webring affiliations and news about updates.
A collection of mostly melancholy poetry by two authors: staind and battered angel.
The words, hopes, dreams, fantasies, and inner feelings of a woman.
Poems on various subjects by both the author and guest submissions.
Collection of the author's dreams, views, artwork, and fantasies through poetry. Also includes mp3s from the band Lonely Fish Mountain.
A small collection of original poetry.
Poetry, links, forums, and collections ranging from Shakespeare to Billy Collins.
Fairy-inspired and personal poetry and music.
Links to the many pages created by Stolen Tear.
Poetry about beauty and self loathing, silence and screams, vanity and envy, poetry and art, organized into online e-zines.
An exploration into the human mind and heart through poetry, includes regularly updated discussion of women's issues and book recommendations.
Classical and original poetry.
Poetry, links and resources for writers.
Poetry by a 17-year old girl about angst and growing up. Includes a guestbook, personal and collected poetry, and a bio.
Quotes, lyrics and poetry. [Poems in Microsoft Word format]
Feelings put into words from the heart.
Personal poetry, favourite poems and quotes.
A sample of poems, writings and assorted ramblings.
Life and experiences through poetry.
Poetry by the site owner.
Writing dealing with love and loss, including some random thoughts.
Dark and morose thoughts.
Poetry straight from the veins of a depressive poetess. Beautifully accented with music and graphics.
Personal poetry on people, love and experiences.
Dedicated to helping me express understand the folly of truth, through poetry and graphics.
Samples of the author's poetry and short stories.
Personal poetry. The themes of the poems range from Gothic and love, to nature and life contemplation. A little of everything thrown at you, just like in life.
Poetry of truth, inspiration, and transformation, promoting the Oneness of the universe.
Poetry and thoughts. "A little hope in a sorrowful world".
Romantic and classic poetry with user submissions.
Collection of poetry in various topics.
Poetry, personal page and webring.
Poems by a young person who has experimented with drugs.
Collection of poems written by a young girl in New England.
Complete collection of the poems and paintings. A virtual gallery that's worth every second spent here.
Personal poetry about friends, love, relationships, and life.
Intended for the sole purpose of relieving distress. Poetry about angst, alienation, and even suicide. Also about problems with the outer world.
A creative space for expression. A collection of poems, thoughts and design.
A tour of life from birth to death and beyond.
Collection of poems, mostly based around relationships.
A virtual secret garden that covers an array of subjects from art to trumpet playing to poetry to Medieval cookery.
Last update:
September 28, 2021 at 5:25:13 UTC
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