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Arts People B Buscemi, Steve
Several different journalists have dubbed Steve Buscemi (b-oo-seh-mee) 'king of the indies', and there's no doubt that he's earned his crown. At age 44, he has carved out a place for himself in film-making history as one of the most prolific and eclectic forces in the independent (as well as mainstream) filmmaking communities. With an impressive 80 movies and 11 television performances under his belt in his relatively short 18 year career, Steve not only impresses as an actor, but as a writer/director as well. Seemingly as comfortable behind the camera as in front, he continues to develop himself as an auteur with projects such as Trees Lounge, Animal Factory and the forthcoming Queer. As an actor, Buscemi is often cast as the weasel, con, thug or occasional serial killer. In reality, he is well-liked and respected by his peers often appearing in multiple projects with the same actors and directors. He is a loyal friend and family man, husband of Jo Andres, father of Lucian. He is a philanthropist, spokesman for PETA, supporter of many firefighter relief funds. A former NYC firefighter himself from 1980-1984, Steve donned his old turnout gear to work at ground zero, the site of the World Trade Center attack, among his grieving and fallen brothers.
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Filmography, user movie ratings, awards, nominations and links.
Coverage of Steve Buscemi in Star Bonds.
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