Robert Picardo is the very talented stage/film/television actor who recently brought vivid life to the character of the Holographic Doctor on "Star Trek: Voyager." He's also played Dr. Dick Richard on the 1988-1991 TV series "China Beach" and Coach Ed Cutlip on the 1988-1993 TV series "The Wonder Years," appeared in many of director Joe Dante's films including "Innerspace" and "Gremlins II," and starred on Broadway in the plays "Gemini" and "Tribute."
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Filmography with plot synopses and production details
Fan-created "journal" for Star Trek: Voyager's Doctor, describing his adventures on Earth in the early 21st century
Biography, filmography, stage credits, interviews, official fan club, convention reports and fan fiction.
Biography, filmography, stage credits, interviews, official fan club, convention reports and fan fiction.
Filmography with plot synopses and production details
Fan-created "journal" for Star Trek: Voyager's Doctor, describing his adventures on Earth in the early 21st century
Other languages 1
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January 2, 2007 at 21:17:35 UTC
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