John Travolta - actor, singer, dancer, producer, writer, born 18 February 1954, Englewood, New Jersey, USA.
Career started in theatre, with "Grease" and "Over Here!". Movie roles include "Carrie" (1976), "Grease" (1978, based on the Broadway musical), "Saturday Night Fever" (1983), "Look Who's Talking" (1989), and "Pulp Fiction" (1994) (Oscar nomination).
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Box office data for John Travolta. Includes averages, totals, domestic and international box office breakdowns for his movies.
Biography and filmography.
Transcript of a chat hosted on CNN. The actor fields questions about stunt work, playing villains, the possibility of a sequel.
(May 02, 2000)
Biography and filmography.
Box office data for John Travolta. Includes averages, totals, domestic and international box office breakdowns for his movies.
Transcript of a chat hosted on CNN. The actor fields questions about stunt work, playing villains, the possibility of a sequel.
(May 02, 2000)
Other languages 2

Last update:
January 12, 2021 at 19:35:09 UTC

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