If you tell stories out loud, in front of an audience, whether around a campfire or in a classroom, at a board meeting, or in the car, you're a storyteller.
Storytelling is part of the oral tradition. Tales are told-- which is why this category is part of the Performing Arts Directory.
If you WRITE stories, you're a writer. Check out the Arts: Online Writing category.
Yes, filmmakers and novelists and the creative folks in advertising are storytellers, too-- but they aren't performing artists. You'll find them listed elsewhere.
More information
More information
Subcategories 8
Related categories 7
Sites 15
Collection of articles, links, and information on the oral tradition and the art of storytelling.
Resources for storytellers, including articles, quotes, stories, and guide to telling.
Offers directory of tellers by location, newsletter, articles and interviews, festival information and links.
Opinionated discussion of performance storytelling in the 21st century
Visitor and festival information, articles, and advocacy. Jonesborough, Tennessee.
Aa card game based on ancient traditions of conversational story sharing.
Storyteller Bill Harley blogs about the storytelling process, his storytelling career, and his sources of inspiration.
Heather Forest's site for teachers, librarians, and students explores the use of storytelling in the classroom to enhance speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.
A curated blog featuring videos of storytellers in performance, gathered from video-sharing sites around the Web.
Articles, list of tellers, written and recorded stories, and event listings.
Selected writings on folklore from Professor Eric Miller
Blog focusing on the details of the storytelling life of a professional storyteller, Priscilla Howe
Storytelling project with people with Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers.
Weblog on storytelling issues.
Blog by professional storyteller Rachel Hedman on the marketing, business, research, and rehearsal that goes into storytelling.
Collection of articles, links, and information on the oral tradition and the art of storytelling.
Aa card game based on ancient traditions of conversational story sharing.
Storytelling project with people with Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers.
Selected writings on folklore from Professor Eric Miller
Storyteller Bill Harley blogs about the storytelling process, his storytelling career, and his sources of inspiration.
A curated blog featuring videos of storytellers in performance, gathered from video-sharing sites around the Web.
Blog focusing on the details of the storytelling life of a professional storyteller, Priscilla Howe
Blog by professional storyteller Rachel Hedman on the marketing, business, research, and rehearsal that goes into storytelling.
Opinionated discussion of performance storytelling in the 21st century
Weblog on storytelling issues.
Offers directory of tellers by location, newsletter, articles and interviews, festival information and links.
Visitor and festival information, articles, and advocacy. Jonesborough, Tennessee.
Heather Forest's site for teachers, librarians, and students explores the use of storytelling in the classroom to enhance speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.
Resources for storytellers, including articles, quotes, stories, and guide to telling.
Articles, list of tellers, written and recorded stories, and event listings.
Other languages 3

Last update:
November 22, 2024 at 15:24:46 UTC

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