Peg and Al have been together, for better or worse, for more than two decades. How they survive their relationship is the basis for "Married...With Children." The sitcom represents a distinct departure from the saccharine-sweet television families viewers have known since the days of "Father Knows Best." With unflinching honesty, "Married... With Children" paints a painfully funny picture of a not-so-typical middle-class American family.
(Taken from the official Sony Homepage)
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What if the Bundys, Bunkers, and Simpsons competed on The Newlywed Game?
Pictures, biographies, forum, sounds, videos, background stories, and news on the stars. German and English.
Includes cast biographies, trivia questionnaires, a forum, songs and the series' episode guide.
Episode guide and cast information.
What if the Bundys, Bunkers, and Simpsons competed on The Newlywed Game?
Official FAQ for the usenet group
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