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American comedy-drama series aired on The WB (later The CW) from 2000 to 2007, starring Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel. The show follows the relationships of three generations of Gilmores - single mother Lorelai, her teenage daughter Rory, and Lorelai's estranged, affluent parents, Richard and Emily - as well as the colorful characters of the small Connecticut town of Stars Hollow. Lorelai came to Stars Hollow as a pregnant teenager after running away from home. An inn took her in, and she worked her way up to become manager, and later owner of her own inn. By the time Rory is 16, she and her mother have learned to rely primarily on each other, but Rory's acceptance to a private school forces Lorelai to make amends with her parents.
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Free streaming video of a rotating selection of episodes, along with a message board, image gallery and downloads.
A collaborative encyclopedia, Gilmorepedia, which anyone can edit.
News, cast and character listing, episode guide, show spoilers, photographs and message board.
Cast and crew information.
Rory-Dean fan site features news, dictionary, "Why We Love Them" list, key scenes, pictures, and fan fiction and art.
Information and images.
Character profiles, games, images, quotes, and lists of literary and film references, bloopers and songs.
Free streaming video of a rotating selection of episodes, along with a message board, image gallery and downloads.
A collaborative encyclopedia, Gilmorepedia, which anyone can edit.
News, cast and character listing, episode guide, show spoilers, photographs and message board.
Cast and crew information.
Rory-Dean fan site features news, dictionary, "Why We Love Them" list, key scenes, pictures, and fan fiction and art.
Character profiles, games, images, quotes, and lists of literary and film references, bloopers and songs.
Information and images.

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March 12, 2022 at 13:15:15 UTC
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