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Conventions that feature guests (actors, authors, artists) from the Star Trek Genre. There are 2 types of conventions: 1) FAN-RUN Conventions, generally span the whole weekend. They bring multiple and varied programming tracks so there's lots more to do. Something fun is always going on, and not just during the day, either. Friday and Saturday evenings feature parties, dances, and other events. The convention is usually run not for profit. The memorabilia auctions usually benefit charities. As a result, many one-of-a-kind special items get donated to the auction. They will be noted in the listings by (FR). 2) Commercial shows (run for profit) generally have minimal programming in their auditorium other than the Q&A with the actor(s). In many cases, you now can get an autograph only if you pay extra for it. Often the variety of dealers are limited, and in some cases, the convention promoters themselves have most of the dealer concessions. There are, however, some promoters that do work very hard to put on a good show for the fans, and the experience can be close to that of a good fan-run convention. Unless they are one time events, we will list the web sites for the convention promoter, which usually have their own schedules. These will be noted in the listings by (CC)
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Fan-run Media SF con held in July near Baltimore, MD. Features Trek and other Media SF guests, including authors, and scientists. (CC)
Annual convention in Atlanta. Site includes list of guests, hotel information, programming, past convention photographs, and staff contacts.
Annual convention in Atlanta. Site includes list of guests, hotel information, programming, past convention photographs, and staff contacts.
Fan-run Media SF con held in July near Baltimore, MD. Features Trek and other Media SF guests, including authors, and scientists. (CC)

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June 25, 2020 at 10:33:16 UTC
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