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Web sites that are primarily the work of an individual mail artist.
More information
An experimental weblog documenting the visual poems and mailart of Geof Huth and his correspondence with other artists.
A personal collection of mail art displayed in weblog format by Michael Leigh of Cheshire, UK.
Art and biography of an influential mail artist.
Postal sound distribution project. Send a gift or postcard to receive a audio cassette by the mail.
The web site of a Belgian mail-artist and photographer named frips.
Paintings, exhibitions, visual and virtual poetry, networking art projects and mail art from this Chilean born artist now living in Hamburg, Germany.
Ruud Janssen shares his thoughts and his mail art.
Experimental, avant-garde, audio, and visual literature by poet and mailartist John M. Bennett.
Samples of mail art from the artist and friends, abstract realist mail art show and free fonts.
Mail art collages by Jukka-Pekka Kervinen.
Altered books, ATCs and great zines by Elizabeth Badurina.
Introduction, historical musings and a large selection of mail art she has received.
Decorated envelopes, mail art, lettering ideas. Jean Wilson, Des Moines, Iowa.
Artwork, mail interviews and information about TAM and the International Union of Mail-Artists (IUOMA).
Mail Art Weblog of Brazilian artists.
An experimental weblog documenting the visual poems and mailart of Geof Huth and his correspondence with other artists.
Postal sound distribution project. Send a gift or postcard to receive a audio cassette by the mail.
Decorated envelopes, mail art, lettering ideas. Jean Wilson, Des Moines, Iowa.
Mail art collages by Jukka-Pekka Kervinen.
Mail Art Weblog of Brazilian artists.
Paintings, exhibitions, visual and virtual poetry, networking art projects and mail art from this Chilean born artist now living in Hamburg, Germany.
A personal collection of mail art displayed in weblog format by Michael Leigh of Cheshire, UK.
Ruud Janssen shares his thoughts and his mail art.
Artwork, mail interviews and information about TAM and the International Union of Mail-Artists (IUOMA).
Art and biography of an influential mail artist.
The web site of a Belgian mail-artist and photographer named frips.
Altered books, ATCs and great zines by Elizabeth Badurina.
Experimental, avant-garde, audio, and visual literature by poet and mailartist John M. Bennett.
Introduction, historical musings and a large selection of mail art she has received.
Samples of mail art from the artist and friends, abstract realist mail art show and free fonts.
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February 26, 2022 at 6:15:17 UTC
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