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The primary focus is to provide an effective framework for consultation among producer and consumer member countries on all aspects of the world timber economy within its mandate. (Yokohama, Japan)
Working to ensure the sustainability of the Malaysian timber industry by improving its competitiveness, enhancing market access and creating trade opportunities.
An organization established to provide assurance to buyers of Malaysian timber products that the products are sourced from sustainably managed forests.
The primary focus is to provide an effective framework for consultation among producer and consumer member countries on all aspects of the world timber economy within its mandate. (Yokohama, Japan)
An organization established to provide assurance to buyers of Malaysian timber products that the products are sourced from sustainably managed forests.
Working to ensure the sustainability of the Malaysian timber industry by improving its competitiveness, enhancing market access and creating trade opportunities.
Last update:
January 2, 2007 at 17:47:32 UTC
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Science: Agriculture: Sustainable Agriculture
- Recently edited by shedragon
- Recently edited by shedragon