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Individuals who perform medical writing either as freelance writers or as one-person businesses.
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Specializes in science, technology, computing, and environmental issues/ politics.
Science writer and editor with expertise in journalism, medical education, and academic writing.
Experienced freelance pharmaceutical consultant offering medical writing and business development services. Author's published articles and links to medical resources.
An experienced and highly dedicated medical writer, I offer a range of professional editorial services to the pharmaceutical and medical communications industries.
Specializing in writing and editing of medical/scientific publications for academia, industry, nonprofits, and government. Worldwide experience.
Freelance writer and journalist, specialising in astronomy, spaceflight and engineering.
Provides freelance medical writing services to the pharmaceutical industry. All therapeutic areas covered.
Freelance writer, editor and project manager. Areas of expertise include neurobiology, molecular biology, and genetics.
Freelance science journalist who writes books and articles for an informed lay readership.
Freelance medical and alternative medicine writer.
Medical reporter and feature writer specializing in magazine articles, newsletters, and web site content.
Specializing in writing and editing of medical/scientific publications for academia, industry, nonprofits, and government. Worldwide experience.
Experienced freelance pharmaceutical consultant offering medical writing and business development services. Author's published articles and links to medical resources.
Provides freelance medical writing services to the pharmaceutical industry. All therapeutic areas covered.
Freelance writer and journalist, specialising in astronomy, spaceflight and engineering.
An experienced and highly dedicated medical writer, I offer a range of professional editorial services to the pharmaceutical and medical communications industries.
Medical reporter and feature writer specializing in magazine articles, newsletters, and web site content.
Science writer and editor with expertise in journalism, medical education, and academic writing.
Freelance writer, editor and project manager. Areas of expertise include neurobiology, molecular biology, and genetics.
Freelance science journalist who writes books and articles for an informed lay readership.
Freelance medical and alternative medicine writer.
Specializes in science, technology, computing, and environmental issues/ politics.
Last update:
September 22, 2020 at 9:45:09 UTC
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