Sites 11
The service organization for Illinois electric and telephone cooperatives and their associate organizations, based in Springfield, IL.
Owned by and provides wholesale power to six regional generation and transmission cooperatives, based in Springfield, MO.
AEE is a gateway for information on energy management, energy services, deregulation, power quality, plant engineering, environment, hvac, lighting, utility, electricity, oil, gas, geothermal, power, dsm, rebates, cogeneration and facility management.
Service organization representing the states electric cooperatives. Includes details of member co-ops, political activity, and loss control services.
Contains member details, career opportunities, and links to cost reduction and efficiency information.
Generation and transmission cooperative serving 17 member distribution co-ops in Northeast Oklahoma and Southwest Missouri.
Represents 14 electric distribution cooperatives in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Wholesale electric power cooperative, owned by fifteen distribution cooperatives with service territories in six western states.
Missouri based association of generation, distribution and consumer cooperatives. Includes listing of members, and coverage map.
VPPSA provides wholesale power supply to 17 municipals and cooperatives in New England, as well as other services including rate studies, central computer services, load forecasting, and tax free financing of certain capital projects.
Association of 11 consumer owned electric cooperatives throughout the state of Wyoming.
Contains member details, career opportunities, and links to cost reduction and efficiency information.
Generation and transmission cooperative serving 17 member distribution co-ops in Northeast Oklahoma and Southwest Missouri.
The service organization for Illinois electric and telephone cooperatives and their associate organizations, based in Springfield, IL.
AEE is a gateway for information on energy management, energy services, deregulation, power quality, plant engineering, environment, hvac, lighting, utility, electricity, oil, gas, geothermal, power, dsm, rebates, cogeneration and facility management.
VPPSA provides wholesale power supply to 17 municipals and cooperatives in New England, as well as other services including rate studies, central computer services, load forecasting, and tax free financing of certain capital projects.
Service organization representing the states electric cooperatives. Includes details of member co-ops, political activity, and loss control services.
Owned by and provides wholesale power to six regional generation and transmission cooperatives, based in Springfield, MO.
Wholesale electric power cooperative, owned by fifteen distribution cooperatives with service territories in six western states.
Association of 11 consumer owned electric cooperatives throughout the state of Wyoming.
Missouri based association of generation, distribution and consumer cooperatives. Includes listing of members, and coverage map.
Represents 14 electric distribution cooperatives in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Other languages 2
Last update:
January 2, 2007 at 17:48:58 UTC
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- Recently edited by shedragon