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Sites 6
Firm overview, news, blog and areas of focus. Connecticut office located in Norwalk. Also has New York City location.
Portfolio and information on strategy, team and members. Based in Stamford.
Based in West Hartford, Connecticut and San Francisco, California.
Middle market private equity firm based in Avon. Includes staff profiles and case studies.
Portfolio of companies, news and information on approach and team. Locations in Greenwich and Menlo Park, CA.
Who they are, what they do and transactions. Office locations in Stamford and Bethesda, MD.
Based in West Hartford, Connecticut and San Francisco, California.
Who they are, what they do and transactions. Office locations in Stamford and Bethesda, MD.
Middle market private equity firm based in Avon. Includes staff profiles and case studies.
Portfolio of companies, news and information on approach and team. Locations in Greenwich and Menlo Park, CA.
Firm overview, news, blog and areas of focus. Connecticut office located in Norwalk. Also has New York City location.
Portfolio and information on strategy, team and members. Based in Stamford.
Last update:
June 1, 2021 at 13:35:04 UTC
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Regional: North America: Canada: Business and Economy: Restaurants and Bars
- Recently edited by shedragon
- Recently edited by shedragon