This category is for listing COMPANIES, so please submit company sites, not product sites. The title of your site should reflect your company name, nothing more.
Note that this is for companies who sell or resell high technology, high precision, optical equipment, such as precision lenses, mirrors, detection or imaging equipment, and prisms.
Laser entertainment (such as light shows) does not belong in this category. It belongs in a business or entertainment category.
Companies selling low-tech products which can be purchased at a local general store probably is not appropriate for this category. This would include small He-Ne lasers for use as laser pointers, 3-D glasses, and light bulbs. A business category would be best in that case.
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Sites 39
Manufacturer of linear and circular polarizers. Contrast enhancement display filters, polarmotion animated displays and motion signs, aircraft cabin windows, sunglasses and 3-D glasses.
Manufacturer of CCD, ICCD, sCMOS and EMCCD scientific cameras, spectrographs, software and confocal microscopy systems for research imaging.
Manufacturer of electro-optic solutions for the optical communication arena, pharmaceutical and chemical process-control fields. Includes product listings, careers, trade shows and investor relations.
Specializes in the fabrication of high-resolution gray-level masks using a standard e-beam tool.
Optical components, coatings, optical devices and equipment, optical materials, and custom design.
Designs and builds equipment for ultra high speed imaging. CCD cameras, image converter cameras and support equipment.
Supplies high-quality precision positioning equipment and optics products.
Manufacturer of plastic optics.
Produces standard and custom lens assemblies and precision optical components for industrial, medical, military and scientific applications.
Part of the Raytheon group of companies with manufacturing operations in Canada, Texas and Spain.
UK based distributor and manufacturer of optical products.
Manufactures very long lifetime, high reliability excimer lasers and 157nm fluorine lasers for industrial, medical and scientific applications.
Services and products in the fields of diffractive optics, active spatial light modulation and LCoS microdisplay systems.
Manufacturer of laser-optic materials, optics, components, electro-optical products and radiation detection devices from gamma rays to far infrared wavelengths.
Designer and manufacturer of optical components such as singlets, doublets, triplets, mirrors, planos, prisms, filters, coatings, shutters, irises, reticles and diffusers.
Supply imaging and vision components to the general imaging market, and complete vision systems to the printing and mailing industries.
Designs and manufactures high quality laser diode systems for industrial, commercial, medical and defence customers.
Supplier for high power coatings and substrates.
Design and manufacture of optical components and assemblies. lenses, achromats, mirrors, beamsplitters, prisms, polarisers, and laser optics.
Offers telescopes, microscopes, endoscopes, cameras, night vision equipment, and special aerospace and military equipment.
Manufacturers representatives for photonics manufacturers based in California. Products represented include optics, lasers, colorimeters, fiber optics and light meters.
Sales and technical information on particle analysis equipment, including particle size, and surface area.
Providers of new and renovated optical tables, supports, and components.
Offers scanning spectrophotometer instruments for non destructive determination of refractive index, extinction coefficient and film thickness by combined transmittance and reflectance.
Laser and optical components, optical filters and gratings, spectroscopic and photonic instruments and devices.
Designer and manufacturer of precision miniature and sub-miniature optical and mechanical assemblies and systems.
Technical optics and thin film coatings.
Manufacturer of fused silica including micro-tubing, optical fiber, and assemblies.
Designs, manufactures and sells thin film coating optical systems and components for medical, industrial and government applications from Gardner, Massachusetts. (Nasdaq: POCI)
Provides spectrometers, monochromators and spectrographs for research and industrial spectroscopy applications. Also provides VUV-UV optics, coatings and subassemblies.
Design and manufacture of optical systems based on flexible laser technology for high precision industrial measurement applications.
Fabricates lenses, windows, polarizers, prisms and rods.
Specializes in manufacture and coating of optical products.
Manufactures and distributes special glass and glass-related systems.
Designs and manufactures custom liquid-crystal Fabry-Perot (LCFP) tunable filters for visible and NIR wavelengths.
Maker of optical components.
Seller of DPSS lasers, filters, mirrors, UV radiation sensors, and gold coated optics.
Laser interferometry systems, ESPI (holography) and shearography systems provide real time, non contact, full field methods for strain stress measurement and nondestructive testing.
Supplies optical test and measurement equipment for manufacturing facilities and standards labs in industry, aerospace and research.
Designs, manufactures and sells thin film coating optical systems and components for medical, industrial and government applications from Gardner, Massachusetts. (Nasdaq: POCI)
Manufacturer of CCD, ICCD, sCMOS and EMCCD scientific cameras, spectrographs, software and confocal microscopy systems for research imaging.
Design and manufacture of optical systems based on flexible laser technology for high precision industrial measurement applications.
Providers of new and renovated optical tables, supports, and components.
Provides spectrometers, monochromators and spectrographs for research and industrial spectroscopy applications. Also provides VUV-UV optics, coatings and subassemblies.
Manufactures very long lifetime, high reliability excimer lasers and 157nm fluorine lasers for industrial, medical and scientific applications.
UK based distributor and manufacturer of optical products.
Optical components, coatings, optical devices and equipment, optical materials, and custom design.
Manufacturer of linear and circular polarizers. Contrast enhancement display filters, polarmotion animated displays and motion signs, aircraft cabin windows, sunglasses and 3-D glasses.
Supplies high-quality precision positioning equipment and optics products.
Laser interferometry systems, ESPI (holography) and shearography systems provide real time, non contact, full field methods for strain stress measurement and nondestructive testing.
Designs and manufactures custom liquid-crystal Fabry-Perot (LCFP) tunable filters for visible and NIR wavelengths.
Offers scanning spectrophotometer instruments for non destructive determination of refractive index, extinction coefficient and film thickness by combined transmittance and reflectance.
Designer and manufacturer of optical components such as singlets, doublets, triplets, mirrors, planos, prisms, filters, coatings, shutters, irises, reticles and diffusers.
Fabricates lenses, windows, polarizers, prisms and rods.
Manufacturer of fused silica including micro-tubing, optical fiber, and assemblies.
Services and products in the fields of diffractive optics, active spatial light modulation and LCoS microdisplay systems.
Designs and manufactures high quality laser diode systems for industrial, commercial, medical and defence customers.
Manufacturer of laser-optic materials, optics, components, electro-optical products and radiation detection devices from gamma rays to far infrared wavelengths.
Produces standard and custom lens assemblies and precision optical components for industrial, medical, military and scientific applications.
Part of the Raytheon group of companies with manufacturing operations in Canada, Texas and Spain.
Manufacturer of electro-optic solutions for the optical communication arena, pharmaceutical and chemical process-control fields. Includes product listings, careers, trade shows and investor relations.
Manufacturers representatives for photonics manufacturers based in California. Products represented include optics, lasers, colorimeters, fiber optics and light meters.
Specializes in manufacture and coating of optical products.
Offers telescopes, microscopes, endoscopes, cameras, night vision equipment, and special aerospace and military equipment.
Sales and technical information on particle analysis equipment, including particle size, and surface area.
Supplies optical test and measurement equipment for manufacturing facilities and standards labs in industry, aerospace and research.
Maker of optical components.
Supply imaging and vision components to the general imaging market, and complete vision systems to the printing and mailing industries.
Manufactures and distributes special glass and glass-related systems.
Laser and optical components, optical filters and gratings, spectroscopic and photonic instruments and devices.
Designer and manufacturer of precision miniature and sub-miniature optical and mechanical assemblies and systems.
Supplier for high power coatings and substrates.
Designs and builds equipment for ultra high speed imaging. CCD cameras, image converter cameras and support equipment.
Specializes in the fabrication of high-resolution gray-level masks using a standard e-beam tool.
Manufacturer of plastic optics.
Design and manufacture of optical components and assemblies. lenses, achromats, mirrors, beamsplitters, prisms, polarisers, and laser optics.
Seller of DPSS lasers, filters, mirrors, UV radiation sensors, and gold coated optics.
Technical optics and thin film coatings.
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Last update:
October 3, 2023 at 7:05:03 UTC

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Arts: Music: Styles: B: Blues: Bands and Artists: J: Johnson, Robert
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- Recently edited by lisagirl