Book publishing involves the preparation and issuing of printed or electronic books for public distribution or sale. This category is for the sites of book publishing businesses, and for sites related to, and focused on, the book publishing process.
Sites not listed in this category include:
- Sites that offer to sell books directly from the publisher to the consumer. These sites are found in Shopping: Publications: Books.
- Sites about self-published books by a single author. If they offer sales directly from the author to the consumer, these sites are found in Shopping: Publications: Books. If they do not, they are found in appropriate areas of Arts: Literature: Genres and Arts: Literature: Authors.
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Subcategories 28
Related categories 6
Sites 24
Publisher and distributor of Africentric books that promote self-esteem, collective values, liberation, and skill development.
Self-help and career guide books for African-American children, teens and adults. Topics include day care, modeling, sports, business, and employment.
Independent publisher of African-American books with a specialization in the black west.
Publishers of journals, books and software on geology, palaeontology and biology.
Publishers of Australian craft patterns, craft books and Paragon crochet and knitting books.
Small publishers of RPG's, graphic novels, fiction, and nonfiction. News, company information, publications and links.
Distributor of cookbooks, children's and gift books.
Publishers of creative nonfiction.
Publishes in psychology and psychiatry, social work, education, communications, geography, and social theory.
Publisher focusing on regional titles, emphasizing western history, native culture, nature, and wildlife books. Includes online ordering and company news.
Publisher of books, journals and cases relating to information technology management, education and science.
Hand-made books for the reader who collects and the collector who reads.
Publisher of Australian indigenous books, by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island authors.
Global publishing, financial, information and media services. Includes details of markets, careers and investor services.
A diversified communications agency whose activities include book and periodical publishing and distribution, as well as consumer advertising production and placement for a wide variety of onshore clients.
Publishers of self-help legal titles.
Almost everything you want to know about film directors, stars and genres - available online or as inexpensive little books.
Publishes books, gifts and kits for children and adults on wine, spirits, beer, love, friendship, women, sisters, motherhood, parenting, twins, cigars, cooking, and Miniature Editions
Publisher of illustrated books and CD-ROMs on the visual arts, art history, fashion, travel, history and archeology.
An eclectic mix of titles, many with a focus on local history of various areas. Site has details of each book and information for prospective authors.
Montreal-based publishers since 1973.
A small press "specializing in existentialism, humanism, and emotional introspection."
Publisher of fine limited editions including X-Ray magazine and various broadsides, chapbooks and ephemera.
Offers digital and print books. Contains history and book list.
(September 01, 2000)
Self-help and career guide books for African-American children, teens and adults. Topics include day care, modeling, sports, business, and employment.
Publisher of books, journals and cases relating to information technology management, education and science.
Publisher focusing on regional titles, emphasizing western history, native culture, nature, and wildlife books. Includes online ordering and company news.
Distributor of cookbooks, children's and gift books.
Publisher of Australian indigenous books, by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island authors.
Publisher and distributor of Africentric books that promote self-esteem, collective values, liberation, and skill development.
Independent publisher of African-American books with a specialization in the black west.
Publishers of creative nonfiction.
An eclectic mix of titles, many with a focus on local history of various areas. Site has details of each book and information for prospective authors.
Small publishers of RPG's, graphic novels, fiction, and nonfiction. News, company information, publications and links.
Global publishing, financial, information and media services. Includes details of markets, careers and investor services.
Publisher of illustrated books and CD-ROMs on the visual arts, art history, fashion, travel, history and archeology.
A diversified communications agency whose activities include book and periodical publishing and distribution, as well as consumer advertising production and placement for a wide variety of onshore clients.
Publishers of journals, books and software on geology, palaeontology and biology.
Hand-made books for the reader who collects and the collector who reads.
Publishers of self-help legal titles.
Publishes in psychology and psychiatry, social work, education, communications, geography, and social theory.
Almost everything you want to know about film directors, stars and genres - available online or as inexpensive little books.
Publishers of Australian craft patterns, craft books and Paragon crochet and knitting books.
Publisher of fine limited editions including X-Ray magazine and various broadsides, chapbooks and ephemera.
A small press "specializing in existentialism, humanism, and emotional introspection."
Montreal-based publishers since 1973.
Publishes books, gifts and kits for children and adults on wine, spirits, beer, love, friendship, women, sisters, motherhood, parenting, twins, cigars, cooking, and Miniature Editions
Offers digital and print books. Contains history and book list.
(September 01, 2000)
Other languages 4
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October 11, 2023 at 5:55:21 UTC
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