The Telecommunications sector category comprises industries and establishments primarily engaged in operating, maintaining or providing access to facilities for the transmission of voice, data, text, and video between network termination points and telecommunications reselling. Transmission facilities may be based on a single technology or a combination of technologies. This category also contains industry information, support services, as well as sites for equipment suppliers and manufacturers.
Sites generally not listed in this category include:
- Scientific, technical, and research oriented sites are listed under Science: Technology: Electrical Engineering: Communications.
- Informational and resource sites covering computer network data communication are listed under Computers: Data Communications.
- Affiliate sites or co-branded sites are not listed in the Directory. Affiliate sites include (but are not limited to): Cognigen Communications, American Telecom Network, Excel, Internet Call Manager, Telegroup, Voice Net, World Quest, and WorldxChange.
More information
Subcategories 24
Related categories 4
Other languages 35

Last update:
October 9, 2024 at 13:33:26 UTC

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