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Computers Artificial Life Cellular Automata

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An open source implementation of Langton's ant in Q-Basic. Supports older monitors; by Robin Upton.
David J. Eck's Java-illustrated introduction to 1-dimensional cellular automata.
An interactive cellular automata generator with C++ source code available for downloading; by Kevin McDermott.
An extendable DOS/Windows application for exploring cellular automata, accompanied by a thorough user guide; by Rudy Rucker and John Walker.
A repository with cellular automata related papers, lectures and software concentrating on Rule 110 by Harold V. McIntosh.
2D general-purpose cellular automata simulators for Unix or Java at Iowa State University.
Tools for researching discrete dynamical networks - from cellular automata to random boolean networks; by Andrew Wuensche.
Cellular Automata software that uses probability theory with Conway's game of life rules to produce new and beautiful animations using DirectX 8.0.
A hexagonal version of John Conway's game of life, for Windows and Macintosh.
A Java demonstration of cellular automata on a hexagonal grid.
IFIP WG Cellular Automata and Machines home page. Resources on CA.
(game of life, brian's brain...) available in PDF, illustrated with a program (CAV) and an applet which show the capability of a conway CA to manage boolean functions as part of a Turing machine(LogiCell).
A collection of Jeffrey Ventrella's AL programs, including a very original "Breeding gliders with CA" simulator. Papers on Artificial Life.
Kellie Michele Evans' PhD thesis.
Reversible Cellular Automata, neighbourhoods, billiard ball machines, Java applets. By Tim Tyler.
1D and 2D Cellular Automata viewer, explorer and editor by Mirek Wojtowicz. Huge libraries of CA rules and patterns, gallery of CA rules, news, links. Free 32-bit Windows MCell software.
General Cellular Automata Java applet running over 200 rules from 12 CA families, equipped with a big library of patterns. By Mirek Wojtowicz.
Fine theoretical and practical introduction to Cellular Automata, ALife, and Complex Adaptive Systems.
A Java Applet for simulating all kind of cellular automata, including Conway's Game Of Life or snowflake generation rules. By Frank Buß.
Fine theoretical and practical introduction to Cellular Automata, ALife, and Complex Adaptive Systems.
(game of life, brian's brain...) available in PDF, illustrated with a program (CAV) and an applet which show the capability of a conway CA to manage boolean functions as part of a Turing machine(LogiCell).
An extendable DOS/Windows application for exploring cellular automata, accompanied by a thorough user guide; by Rudy Rucker and John Walker.
2D general-purpose cellular automata simulators for Unix or Java at Iowa State University.
A Java demonstration of cellular automata on a hexagonal grid.
David J. Eck's Java-illustrated introduction to 1-dimensional cellular automata.
Cellular Automata software that uses probability theory with Conway's game of life rules to produce new and beautiful animations using DirectX 8.0.
A hexagonal version of John Conway's game of life, for Windows and Macintosh.
General Cellular Automata Java applet running over 200 rules from 12 CA families, equipped with a big library of patterns. By Mirek Wojtowicz.
An open source implementation of Langton's ant in Q-Basic. Supports older monitors; by Robin Upton.
A Java Applet for simulating all kind of cellular automata, including Conway's Game Of Life or snowflake generation rules. By Frank Buß.
A repository with cellular automata related papers, lectures and software concentrating on Rule 110 by Harold V. McIntosh.
Kellie Michele Evans' PhD thesis.
An interactive cellular automata generator with C++ source code available for downloading; by Kevin McDermott.
1D and 2D Cellular Automata viewer, explorer and editor by Mirek Wojtowicz. Huge libraries of CA rules and patterns, gallery of CA rules, news, links. Free 32-bit Windows MCell software.
IFIP WG Cellular Automata and Machines home page. Resources on CA.
Reversible Cellular Automata, neighbourhoods, billiard ball machines, Java applets. By Tim Tyler.
Tools for researching discrete dynamical networks - from cellular automata to random boolean networks; by Andrew Wuensche.
A collection of Jeffrey Ventrella's AL programs, including a very original "Breeding gliders with CA" simulator. Papers on Artificial Life.
Last update:
December 17, 2022 at 17:15:13 UTC
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