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MathML stands for Mathematical Markup Language. It is an application of XML for describing mathematical notations.
More information
Official page from the World Wide Web Consortium. Includes the MathML specification, links to related software, and other resources.
MathML editor which generates HTML or MathML code. Freeware implementation for Windows 95/NT.
A Firefox browser extension for WYSIWYG MathML editing. Site includes installation instructions, usage examples, FAQ, a discussion forum and links to resources.
A GTK Widget to render MathML documents. Documentation and download.
Describes mathematical notation and capturing both its structure and content. (W3C Recommendation 21 February 2001)
W3C Recommendation, revision of 7 July 1999.
Complete reference with examples and image index.
Introductory documentation and resources.
An equation editor for MathML and LaTeX built on open Web standards using a SVG interface, implemented in ECMAScript. MathML, LaTeX and SVG exports. Open-source.
Encyclopedia article on the markup language, covering history, semantics, and software support.
A MathML-enabled Mozilla (Netscape Communicator 5) is available for Windows and Linux. (February 12, 2000)
Available as: HTML zip archive, XHTML zip archive, XML zip archive, PDF (screen), PDF (paper). (February 11, 2000)
Efforts towards making Mozilla (Netscape Communicator 5) MathML-compliant. (September 21, 1999)
Official page from the World Wide Web Consortium. Includes the MathML specification, links to related software, and other resources.
Describes mathematical notation and capturing both its structure and content. (W3C Recommendation 21 February 2001)
An equation editor for MathML and LaTeX built on open Web standards using a SVG interface, implemented in ECMAScript. MathML, LaTeX and SVG exports. Open-source.
A Firefox browser extension for WYSIWYG MathML editing. Site includes installation instructions, usage examples, FAQ, a discussion forum and links to resources.
Encyclopedia article on the markup language, covering history, semantics, and software support.
MathML editor which generates HTML or MathML code. Freeware implementation for Windows 95/NT.
W3C Recommendation, revision of 7 July 1999.
Complete reference with examples and image index.
A GTK Widget to render MathML documents. Documentation and download.
Introductory documentation and resources.
A MathML-enabled Mozilla (Netscape Communicator 5) is available for Windows and Linux. (February 12, 2000)
Available as: HTML zip archive, XHTML zip archive, XML zip archive, PDF (screen), PDF (paper). (February 11, 2000)
Efforts towards making Mozilla (Netscape Communicator 5) MathML-compliant. (September 21, 1999)
Last update:
August 8, 2023 at 6:45:05 UTC
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