Individual/freelance font designers providing custom font design services or offering their own designs for sale.
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Subcategories 5
Sites 13
Typeface based on the handwriting of the Simpsons' creator Matt Groening.
44 dingbat fonts available for sale in truetype and postscript formats. [MacOS, Windows]
Download the DarkGarden TrueType font. Includes information about modification.
Fonts for the PC, found in the alphabetical sorted archives or by using the search engine.
Small collection of free avant-garde fonts.
Original Mac and PC typeface for non-commercial use. Typographical rules, glossary, and a how-to guide for creating founts.
A tribute to type designer Frederic W. Goudy. Contains list of Goudy’s fonts, history and research information on Goudy.
Providing shareware/freeware graffiti, cutting edge and handwritten fonts available for download.
Collection of artistic fonts by Harold. Provides registration to receive notification of updates.
Horror movie fonts, all fonts are in True Type, Type1, and Open Type. Shareware fonts created and digitized by Thomas W. Otto.
Postscript and TrueType fonts, our implementations of popular designs, with gridfitting hints and kerning pairs.
Creators of the fonts Toontime, Zoink, and Marty's Dingbits for Mac and Windows.
Growing assortment of original TrueType fonts especially designed for use on the web. Macintosh and Windows.
A tribute to type designer Frederic W. Goudy. Contains list of Goudy’s fonts, history and research information on Goudy.
Original Mac and PC typeface for non-commercial use. Typographical rules, glossary, and a how-to guide for creating founts.
Fonts for the PC, found in the alphabetical sorted archives or by using the search engine.
Collection of artistic fonts by Harold. Provides registration to receive notification of updates.
44 dingbat fonts available for sale in truetype and postscript formats. [MacOS, Windows]
Download the DarkGarden TrueType font. Includes information about modification.
Horror movie fonts, all fonts are in True Type, Type1, and Open Type. Shareware fonts created and digitized by Thomas W. Otto.
Providing shareware/freeware graffiti, cutting edge and handwritten fonts available for download.
Small collection of free avant-garde fonts.
Postscript and TrueType fonts, our implementations of popular designs, with gridfitting hints and kerning pairs.
Creators of the fonts Toontime, Zoink, and Marty's Dingbits for Mac and Windows.
Typeface based on the handwriting of the Simpsons' creator Matt Groening.
Growing assortment of original TrueType fonts especially designed for use on the web. Macintosh and Windows.

Last update:
May 31, 2023 at 5:15:12 UTC

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