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Websites that aggregate the icons from thousands of artists and provide a search functionality through them.
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A search engine for glyph vector icons. Includes a Photoshop plugin to insert icons directly into an artwork.
Over 450 000 free icons available to search or browse by category.
Search engine for 20,000+ icons, mostly colored
A search engine for over 340 000 icons of different artists and styles. Licensing varies and depends on author.
An open-source CDN for popular SVG icon libraries to load icons as images or using CSS masks while still controlling the fill, stroke width, etc. via query parameters.
A search engine for 2300 glyph icons. Allows recoloring icons to any color.
Glyph icons from different artists. Some icons are free and some are available with a monthly subscription. There's a Mac App to search icons from the desktop.
An open-source CDN for popular SVG icon libraries to load icons as images or using CSS masks while still controlling the fill, stroke width, etc. via query parameters.
Glyph icons from different artists. Some icons are free and some are available with a monthly subscription. There's a Mac App to search icons from the desktop.
A search engine for glyph vector icons. Includes a Photoshop plugin to insert icons directly into an artwork.
Search engine for 20,000+ icons, mostly colored
A search engine for 2300 glyph icons. Allows recoloring icons to any color.
A search engine for over 340 000 icons of different artists and styles. Licensing varies and depends on author.
Over 450 000 free icons available to search or browse by category.
Last update:
May 21, 2024 at 3:54:51 UTC
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