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A manufacturer of UNIX-based computers ranging from desktop systems to very high-end servers. Sells around the globe, with headquarters in California and manufacturing principally in California and Scotland.
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Offers technology solutions featuring Sun, Supermicro, Cisco and RAID/IP SANs with bank direct leasing and global maintenance options.
Integrators of Sun equipment, offering a selection of used and refurbished models and parts. Located in New Hampshire.
Sells a selection of refurbished Sun Microsystems products including UltraSparc workstations, SparcStations, and Enterprise servers, monitors, adapters, storage, and parts.
Supplier of Sun systems, specialist peripherals and Solaris software, as well as Oracle and Veritas.
Provides services to clients through the application of technologies like business intelligence, data integration and management, enterprise and cloud computing.
Offers equipment from Sun Microsystems and routing gear from Nortel and Cisco.
USA-based reseller of new and refurbished Sun workstations, servers, memory, options and parts. Also offers SGI equipment.
Independent reseller of Sun Microsystems and Cisco Systems, providing new and refurbished Sun servers, workstations, Cisco routers, switches and network hardware and peripherals.
UK Sun Microsystems reseller for storage area networks, systems, workstations and servers.
Reseller of refurbished Sun Microsystem's computers, including servers, workstations, memory, disks, monitors, software, storage arrays, networking components and other peripherals.
Trades in refurbished Sun, Cobalt and Cisco systems and peripherals, and provides sample lists of goods available for sale.
Carries inventory of previously-owned Sun hardware both used and unused, all tested and accompanied by full warranties. Also offers rental arrangements and buys used equipment as well.
Concerns setup and use of Solaris running on Intel Hardware
Specializes in the sale, lease or rental of Sun computer equipment.
Provides services to clients through the application of technologies like business intelligence, data integration and management, enterprise and cloud computing.
Offers equipment from Sun Microsystems and routing gear from Nortel and Cisco.
Concerns setup and use of Solaris running on Intel Hardware
Offers technology solutions featuring Sun, Supermicro, Cisco and RAID/IP SANs with bank direct leasing and global maintenance options.
Independent reseller of Sun Microsystems and Cisco Systems, providing new and refurbished Sun servers, workstations, Cisco routers, switches and network hardware and peripherals.
Trades in refurbished Sun, Cobalt and Cisco systems and peripherals, and provides sample lists of goods available for sale.
Reseller of refurbished Sun Microsystem's computers, including servers, workstations, memory, disks, monitors, software, storage arrays, networking components and other peripherals.
Sells a selection of refurbished Sun Microsystems products including UltraSparc workstations, SparcStations, and Enterprise servers, monitors, adapters, storage, and parts.
UK Sun Microsystems reseller for storage area networks, systems, workstations and servers.
Specializes in the sale, lease or rental of Sun computer equipment.
USA-based reseller of new and refurbished Sun workstations, servers, memory, options and parts. Also offers SGI equipment.
Carries inventory of previously-owned Sun hardware both used and unused, all tested and accompanied by full warranties. Also offers rental arrangements and buys used equipment as well.
Integrators of Sun equipment, offering a selection of used and refurbished models and parts. Located in New Hampshire.
Supplier of Sun systems, specialist peripherals and Solaris software, as well as Oracle and Veritas.
Last update:
October 20, 2023 at 0:55:04 UTC
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