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This category is for English-language websites that primarily offer web hosting services, where the actual business name of the business begins with the letter "W."
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Offers Linux and Windows 2000 shared web hosting and dedicated servers.
Web hosting.
Shared web hosting and ecommerce web hosting.
Offers shared web hosting.
Provides shared plans and domain registration.
Offers web hosting with ecommerce options. Based in Australia.
Offers shared web hosting.
Plans include personal control panels, PHP, shopping carts, and hosting.
Offers web hosting services with email boxes, full CGI/PHP capabilities.
Provides UNIX and Windows shared web hosting.
Offers shared plans and domain registration.
Provides shared web hosting and reseller hosting.
Offers hosting services, web site design and web site builder.
Hosting, design, and promotion. Linux based servers.
Offers Linux shared web hosting, colocation, dedicated servers and domain registration.
Provides web hosting, reseller hosting and domain registration.
Offer Web site development, e-commerce and internet marketing services.
Offers shared plans with antivirus, MySQL and Fantastico. Also, provides domain registration service.
Offers shared web hosting and reseller hosting with FrontPage, MySQL, PHP, Python and Perl supports.
Web site hosting.
Offers shared plans, virtual private servers, dedicated servers, domain registration and reseller plans.
Offers shared web hosting and dedicated servers. Based in Canada.
Offers web hosting, dedicated servers, and co-location services.
Provides web hosting and domain registration.
Offers shared web hosting, reseller hosting and domain registration. Based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
UK-based virtual web servers include support for CGI, FrontPage, PHP, ASP, and Perl scripting.
Offers domain hosting, dial-up connections, webpage design, ecommerce and shopping carts.
Offers shared and dedicated hosting. Supports FrontPage, ASP, .NET Access and MySQL.
Web hosting with frontpage extensions and domain registration.
Offers hosting with options for Perl, PHP, SSI, SSL and FrontPage.
Canadian firm offers domain registration, dedicated servers and shared web hosting.
Offers web hosting and domain name registration. Based in United Kingdom.
Offers shared web hosting.
Offers domain registration and shared web hosting with FrontPage, Miva Merchant, PHP, Perl and SSL.
Offers Windows NT, Unix and Mac web servers.
Provides multiple plan web hosting featuring the Hsphere Hosting Control Panel and domain name registration.
Offers Linux shared hosting and reseller program. Supports PHP and MySQL.
Offers do-it-yourself and web design, hosting, ecommerce, domain name, marketing, and email.
Ghana web hosting provider offering domain name registration, web hosting and web design services.
Offers shared web hosting with optional site builder. Based in New Zealand.
Provides shared web hosting with database, Cold Fusion, PHP and MySQL support.
Offers hosting. Located in Massachusetts, United States.
Offers Windows 2000 hosting, ASP, .Net, web-based email, statistics and control panel administration.
Offers domain registration and shared hosting. Based in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States.
Offers managed and unmanaged dedicated servers, a colocation facility, and shared hosting options.
Unix shared and reseller hosting with e-commerce. Dedicated servers and co-location services. Located in Los Angeles, CA.
Offers shared, dedicated, reseller, colocation webhosting services.
Offers domain registration and shared web hosting with virus and spam filters. Germany.
Provides web hosting and E-commerce solutions, with support for CGI, Perl, Python, PHP, mSQL and MySQL.
Provides website design and maintenance, programming, and a variety of web hosting plans. Web hosting including support ASP.NET, PHP, Perl.
Provider of Linux and Windows hosting services. Based in New York.
Provides web hosting and business hosting with PHP support.
Offers shared plans, dedicated server, domain registration and fax to email service. Based in South Africa.
Offers shared web hosting, reseller hosting and domain registration.
Offers Linux shared and reseller plans with shell access, Frontpage, Perl, PHP and MySQL.
Secure web hosting, custom email solutions, and data connections.
Offers web hosting for personal and small business websites.
Offers Linux and Windows 2000 shared web hosting and dedicated servers.
Offers shared hosting and domain registration. Based in Singapore.
Offers reseller and shared plans. Also, provides domain registration and web design services.
Offers web hosting, dedicated servers, e-commerce, shopping carts and web marketing tips.
Provides virtual, dedicated and managed web hosting, e-commerce and co-locations.
Offer shared plans that support PHP, MS SQL, Perl, FrontPage and ASP.Net, Helm Control panel.
Offers Windows and Linux shared plans. Supports ASP.NET, JSP, MSSQL, MSAccess, MySQL. Based in United States.
Unlimited web hosting on Linux and Windows servers with unlimited emails and unlimited bandwidth support. Based in Mumbai, India.
Provides shared plans, reseller plans and dedicated servers.
UK-based firm offers domain registration and Linux web hosting with SSL, PHP, MySQL and SSI.
Offers UNIX and Windows cluster hosting and domain registration. Supports ASP, MySQL, PostgreSQL and PHP.
An online platform to make websites. Free.
Web site hosting services.
Offers hosting services for the web, e-shop, and e-mail.
Offers shared web hosting and domain registration. Based in United Kingdom.
Provider of enteprise class webhosting, reseller hosting, virtual private servers and dedicated servers.
Canadian firm offers web hosting with FrontPage, shopping cart, FTP, control panel and statistics.
Company offers Windows and Linux hosting plans and domain name registration services.
Provides managed dedicated hosting, shared hosting and reseller hosting.
Offers hosting, Wordpress website designs and domain names. Based in UK.
Offers UNIX and Windows 2000 shared hosting and dedicated servers.
An online platform to make websites. Free.
Provides shared plans and domain registration.
Provider of Linux and Windows hosting services. Based in New York.
Secure web hosting, custom email solutions, and data connections.
Offers hosting services, web site design and web site builder.
Offers UNIX and Windows cluster hosting and domain registration. Supports ASP, MySQL, PostgreSQL and PHP.
Offers shared web hosting, reseller hosting and domain registration.
Offers hosting, Wordpress website designs and domain names. Based in UK.
Offers domain registration and shared web hosting with virus and spam filters. Germany.
Provider of enteprise class webhosting, reseller hosting, virtual private servers and dedicated servers.
Unlimited web hosting on Linux and Windows servers with unlimited emails and unlimited bandwidth support. Based in Mumbai, India.
Offers domain registration and shared hosting. Based in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States.
Ghana web hosting provider offering domain name registration, web hosting and web design services.
Unix shared and reseller hosting with e-commerce. Dedicated servers and co-location services. Located in Los Angeles, CA.
Offers shared web hosting and dedicated servers. Based in Canada.
Offers shared hosting and domain registration. Based in Singapore.
Company offers Windows and Linux hosting plans and domain name registration services.
Offers web hosting, dedicated servers, and co-location services.
Offers web hosting for personal and small business websites.
Provides multiple plan web hosting featuring the Hsphere Hosting Control Panel and domain name registration.
Offers hosting. Located in Massachusetts, United States.
Offers do-it-yourself and web design, hosting, ecommerce, domain name, marketing, and email.
Offers web hosting, dedicated servers, e-commerce, shopping carts and web marketing tips.
Offers shared web hosting and domain registration. Based in United Kingdom.
Offer shared plans that support PHP, MS SQL, Perl, FrontPage and ASP.Net, Helm Control panel.
Offers shared plans and domain registration.
Provides shared plans, reseller plans and dedicated servers.
Offers Linux shared and reseller plans with shell access, Frontpage, Perl, PHP and MySQL.
Provides website design and maintenance, programming, and a variety of web hosting plans. Web hosting including support ASP.NET, PHP, Perl.
Offers Windows 2000 hosting, ASP, .Net, web-based email, statistics and control panel administration.
Offers shared plans with antivirus, MySQL and Fantastico. Also, provides domain registration service.
Offers shared plans, dedicated server, domain registration and fax to email service. Based in South Africa.
Offers shared plans, virtual private servers, dedicated servers, domain registration and reseller plans.
Offers Windows and Linux shared plans. Supports ASP.NET, JSP, MSSQL, MSAccess, MySQL. Based in United States.
Offers reseller and shared plans. Also, provides domain registration and web design services.
Web hosting.
Offers shared web hosting, reseller hosting and domain registration. Based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Offers Linux and Windows 2000 shared web hosting and dedicated servers.
Offers domain registration and shared web hosting with FrontPage, Miva Merchant, PHP, Perl and SSL.
Provides shared web hosting with database, Cold Fusion, PHP and MySQL support.
Offers Windows NT, Unix and Mac web servers.
Offers shared web hosting.
Offers shared web hosting with optional site builder. Based in New Zealand.
Provides shared web hosting and reseller hosting.
Provides web hosting and business hosting with PHP support.
Hosting, design, and promotion. Linux based servers.
Offers shared web hosting and reseller hosting with FrontPage, MySQL, PHP, Python and Perl supports.
Offers Linux and Windows 2000 shared web hosting and dedicated servers.
Offers UNIX and Windows 2000 shared hosting and dedicated servers.
Offers web hosting and domain name registration. Based in United Kingdom.
Offers domain hosting, dial-up connections, webpage design, ecommerce and shopping carts.
Offers shared web hosting.
Offers shared web hosting.
Provides UNIX and Windows shared web hosting.
Offers Linux shared web hosting, colocation, dedicated servers and domain registration.
Shared web hosting and ecommerce web hosting.
Web hosting with frontpage extensions and domain registration.
Offers web hosting with ecommerce options. Based in Australia.
Canadian firm offers web hosting with FrontPage, shopping cart, FTP, control panel and statistics.
Canadian firm offers domain registration, dedicated servers and shared web hosting.
UK-based firm offers domain registration and Linux web hosting with SSL, PHP, MySQL and SSI.
Provides virtual, dedicated and managed web hosting, e-commerce and co-locations.
Provides web hosting and domain registration.
Offers hosting with options for Perl, PHP, SSI, SSL and FrontPage.
Offers shared, dedicated, reseller, colocation webhosting services.
Plans include personal control panels, PHP, shopping carts, and hosting.
Provides web hosting, reseller hosting and domain registration.
Provides managed dedicated hosting, shared hosting and reseller hosting.
Offers shared and dedicated hosting. Supports FrontPage, ASP, .NET Access and MySQL.
Offers Linux shared hosting and reseller program. Supports PHP and MySQL.
Web site hosting.
Offers managed and unmanaged dedicated servers, a colocation facility, and shared hosting options.
Provides web hosting and E-commerce solutions, with support for CGI, Perl, Python, PHP, mSQL and MySQL.
UK-based virtual web servers include support for CGI, FrontPage, PHP, ASP, and Perl scripting.
Offers web hosting services with email boxes, full CGI/PHP capabilities.
Web site hosting services.
Offers hosting services for the web, e-shop, and e-mail.
Offer Web site development, e-commerce and internet marketing services.

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Last update:
January 18, 2024 at 7:45:03 UTC
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