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Tools that help developing in Ada.
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Ada source browser at SourceForge.
Home of AdaXml and other Ada tools.
Several useful Ada utilities and bindings includes AdaGOOP (the Ada Generator of Object-Oriented Parsers), bindings to use parallel, serial ports under Windows.
Commercial source code analysis and reverse engineering tools.
Tool to generate extensively hyperlinked HTML or XML documentation from Ada sources (library unit specifications). Uses ASIS. Generated XML can be used to produce documentation in other formats. [Open source, GPL]
Free IDE for the GNU Ada Translator on Windows.
Allows browsing libraries generated by GNAT, including its predefined library.
A complete integrated development environment (IDE) for embedded applications using Ada 95, C, C++, Embedded C++ and FORTRAN. AdaMULTI runs on Windows or UNIX hosts and supports remote debugging to a variety of target environments.
WinA&D is a UML modeling tool with Ada code generation. WinTranslator generates UML models from existing Ada code. Together WinA&D and WinTranslator provide complete round-trip engineering of Ada code from UML based design.
A user interface builder using the Tk bindings.
Ada source browser at SourceForge.
Tool to generate extensively hyperlinked HTML or XML documentation from Ada sources (library unit specifications). Uses ASIS. Generated XML can be used to produce documentation in other formats. [Open source, GPL]
Free IDE for the GNU Ada Translator on Windows.
Commercial source code analysis and reverse engineering tools.
A complete integrated development environment (IDE) for embedded applications using Ada 95, C, C++, Embedded C++ and FORTRAN. AdaMULTI runs on Windows or UNIX hosts and supports remote debugging to a variety of target environments.
Allows browsing libraries generated by GNAT, including its predefined library.
Several useful Ada utilities and bindings includes AdaGOOP (the Ada Generator of Object-Oriented Parsers), bindings to use parallel, serial ports under Windows.
WinA&D is a UML modeling tool with Ada code generation. WinTranslator generates UML models from existing Ada code. Together WinA&D and WinTranslator provide complete round-trip engineering of Ada code from UML based design.
A user interface builder using the Tk bindings.
Home of AdaXml and other Ada tools.
Last update:
June 23, 2023 at 15:14:08 UTC
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